Sunday, June 19, 2011

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  • Leo07
    11-19 09:33 AM
    Now with Atlas America off...What's the best alternative?, I'm running out of time here...

    Friends, please suggest. I bought ICICI lombard 3 times previously, never had to use it, so no comments there. Now, I'm thinking of buying something better as I had heard horrible things about ICICI lombard.

    Anybody who has had a parent with diabetes and taken insurance? If there were any problems, did the insurance pay the costs? If possible can you also mention what problems came up during the stay.


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  • psaxena
    03-03 07:13 PM

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  • Aah_GC
    07-16 10:26 AM

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  • leoindiano
    09-17 01:15 PM
    If congress approves it, 70% of the battle is over.


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    03-13 10:29 AM
    WaldenPond is too nice to answer your question. Personally, I wouldn't consider it obligatory to answer a specific question by someone who cannot volunteer due to "Personal Reason", whatever that may mean. If you cannot volunteer, cannot participate in IV's action items, cannot contribute, then you are most welcome to use IV's portal to get answers to your questions or get other kind of information - but do not expect updates from anyone as your right!

    IV is not a top-down organization and if you think that it is becoming like Immigration Portal then partially it is due to people like you who do not want to participate but just want 'updates'.

    You are partially right.

    One thing I know for sure - you know how to copy paste and repeat the same post again and again :)

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  • annsheila79
    04-20 04:47 PM
    No cursing, name calling please.. You could have just ignored. You have done no favour to yourself by replying.

    I fully agree with FraudGultee I shouldnt have called snathan a moron, i am sorry about that. but on the hindsight his reply sort of proves it... :D


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  • wandmaker
    06-06 05:29 PM
    Just finished calling all of them. Was very easy. 9-11 minutes top.

    Thank you

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  • arunkotte
    07-29 03:46 PM
    Company tax returns can only show the NET INCOME . You need an Audited Financial Statement prepared by a CPA to show NET ASSETS

    Schedule L on 1120S lists all the assets, Liabilities and Shareholders equity. Can this not be used to figure out the net current assets?? I got an RFE specifically instructing us to submit W2 and tax returns for 2006.


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  • anandrajesh
    02-13 10:50 PM
    Attack my ideas and not me. Then we can have a debate conducive to achieving our goals.

    Anand, there is a conference call scheduled this Friday. Pls join the conference call and pour in your ideas. Sure if your ideas are good and conceivable Core team would defly work on implementing it. Dont be an outsider, try to get more involved. Again if you want to be part of the Core Let Aman & Co know, they should be able to delegate you some responsibilites.

    Just like you, everybody is frustrated with the lack of progress. But we do understand our limitations, we can only educate the lawmakers with our issues, but we cant arm twist them to do something favorable. We have to keep our expectations right. As Logiclife told if big corporations like Microsoft cant achieve what they, want who are we? Does this mean we shld quit and resign our fate. Live another day, Fight another day till we achieve what we want.

    I contribute, i participate in the calls, i write to the reporters, i send faxes and emails to Senators/House Reps, Appear in Newspaper & Radio interviews and most of all Spare a Prayer to God to improve my situation. That is all i can do and if every one of us does what is needed sure something positive will happen. I am not a CORE member, just an ordinary member like YOU.

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  • anil_gc
    07-15 06:13 AM


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  • StuckInTheMuck
    04-30 09:05 AM
    almost 1735 days away from N400.the form looks very long. is there again a long line for it?
    My wait time is as long as yours, so I am not thinking about getting ready for citizenship just yet (lot can happen in 5 years). If the USCIS processing times are to be believed, they are supposed to take between 12 and 15 months to decide on a currently filed application (the server seems to be down now, so couldn't verify the latest status). There may be additional time differences depending on where you are located. And knowing how USCIS operates, backlogs are not unheard of (

    Here is a comforting thought - and someone correct me if I am wrong - but unlike the hectic GC process with all the "inequalities" among various EB categories, naturalization process is a level-playing field where your specific skills do not matter. Everyone is considered equal here, whether you have got your GC via EB, FB or even amnesty route. This makes sense too, considering that your value (to this country) as a citizen rests primarily in your voting right, and someone who can cook is just as good to vote as another who writes smart computer codes (no knock on the cook, my wife is a fantastic cook herself). This is why the "priority date" for your citizenship application is set at 5 years (of continuous residency) from the date printed on your PR card, irrespective of your GC category (the wait is 3 years for those with USC spouse). The only condition that permits some arbitrariness in the evaluation process is in establishing a "good moral character", which makes point #6 in my original list important.

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  • JazzByTheBay
    12-12 09:03 PM
    However, as far as access to some information and benefits goes, this can be restricted to members. If you think this issue impacts you as severely as it does, why the hesitation to ensure something gets done about it, and get regular access to information and benefits without the clutter?


    I dont think it's a good idea. The fundraising thread demonstrates that we do have people who understand the stakes and are willing to do something about it. Ofcourse we need a lot more money but we should be able to persuade people to contribute voluntarily. I don't like exclusive clubs


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  • msp1976
    02-11 06:50 PM
    visves, Longq, alisa...

    We have a difference of opinion on how the law is interpreted....

    I believe that visves interpretation is correct....But there is always a small chance that longq does followup with a lawsuit, USCIS would budge...

    if longq wants to gather some EB2 India/China and have a crack at suing USCIS as a personal level....( i.e.not using IV's resources).....I guess no one can stop him...I am EB3/India....So that suing does not benefit me anyway...

    The common denominator for all of us is increasing the total numbers......

    If members want to pursue certain things on their own at personal level..I cannot do anything ...after all it is a free country...

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  • ivgclive
    01-18 03:24 PM
    H1 - Permanant (inUSCIS terms, my sponsor has direct control over my day to day job)

    But I believe it is going to affect everyone soon, whether you are in H1/L1/EAD, decided to fight.

    I will contribute what I can at my best.


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  • ashishgour
    09-17 11:28 AM
    I can hear audio clearly
    They are accusing someone of wrong doings - like taking money etc..

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  • PlainSpeak
    04-20 05:16 PM
    Keep cribing all you want. EB3-EB2 upgrade is a reality and is here to stay
    Wait till you anti upgraders see June 2011 bulletin :D:D:

    Maybe EB3 2005 will clear from the system before E2 2008/9/10


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  • srikondoji
    10-07 03:13 PM
    Yes there is demand, but that demand initially came from NRI's. This is when properties were worth under 20 lakhs. But soon the prices jumped to levels even unaffordable to NRIs. Now these prices are unsustainable because even a person earning 1 lakh per month cannot afford a 50 Lakh worth propery. This is because of high interest rates on home loans.
    I know few real estate houses where they are almost close to bankruptcy because they couldn't sell the houses or land. They borrowed huge amount of high interest short term loans and now can't sell the properties.
    Sure, there is demand but economics will take the front seat at the time of materialization of this demand.

    Your theory sounds exactly that of my father. When i challenged him in year 2005 that property values in Hyderabad will have to fall as the rise in prices is riduculous, he laughed at me. He said "I have not seen in my entire life a price drop in property prices". When i said, i will not invest in real estate until the prices fall, he just made fun of me.
    I was at the receiving end for the past 2 years both in US and also in India for the decision not to invest in real estate here and also in India.
    Luckily the piece of land i bought in India in the year 2004 still holds its value.


    There is vast difference between US and Indian housing market crash. India RE market will not collapse like here. There may be a melt down or small correction. The simple big reason is demand for housing in middle class due to economic growth. Based on population density, US is 9 times bigger than India. Lot of land in US. But housing land is so limited in India. So there is always demand. Second reason, there is no sub-prime lending in India. Third, in India, housing loan is based on cash worthiness rather than credit worthyness like in US. So we may not see such a massive foreclosure/bankrupcy in India to bring the price down considerably like in US.

    However, now the prices or extremly high, such that it can not be affordabe to people other than NRI or IT folks. 1 crore houses are very common now. Based on US economy it will definitly come down. It will be depend on how hard IT/outsourcing bussiness gets affectd in future.

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  • add78
    04-27 08:44 PM
    I read through the bill but don't quite understand...if I am working for a client on H1B, will I need to stop working as soon as this bill takes effect? or it only applies to newly applied H1B's (or extension/transfer)?

    Yes, that is my understanding at this point based on the language . As soon as the bill goes into effect, you will need to stop working at the client site if the bill passes in its current form AND you are working as a FT employee (w-2) of a mere placement company (aka agent or desi consulting). If you are an FT employee of big consulting company then until they get waiver for you AND your current client proves that no layoffs were done at the client site in the last 180 days, you will need to stop working.

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  • gcisadawg
    03-11 02:03 AM
    Why do you bring Malice with you, everywhere, seriosly how does your family stand you ?
    I have seen your posts earlier, they are full of abuses, unjust full of most useless comments, let me tell you one thing, it is a very well known truth people who are most abusive on cyber space, are most fattoo & have been beaten up kind of people because they spend their life in threat but on cyberspace they become Lion. You are a typical Cyber Sher... But in real life I can guess....

    I second you...Kunju has a history....

    02-07 08:54 PM
    Post doc is a position not a US educational qualification and hence not a benefitiary of SKIL bill. The SKIL bill included US Master's and Ph.D's.
    With your US MS you should not have any problem. Would require 3 years work experience to allow one to self adjust. We will need to wait and see what happens when it is introduced again in the new congress.

    I hope USCIS has your thought process. Your thought process means that there is something in SKILL for US MS. I used to think that SKILL is only for non US MS.

    Have you seen SKILL? Does it have anything for US Ph D and Post doc? You can have a US Ph D without US MS and you can be US post doc without US Phd? I wonder if they are SKILLed? Thanks.

    06-15 01:16 AM
    Yes she needs to be here to file I-485 and then she can leave and stay there..

    Thanks for the reply, I am assuming she has the same requirements as me in terms of medical , right which means another 2 weeks after she arrives. If she can't make it here in July, can I file under CP for her. Would she then get her EAD at the same time as me. I have been trying to get in touch with my lawyer but he's not there, and I want to make sure I add her in before the dates get retrogressed again.

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