Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • Leo07
    01-18 03:54 PM

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  • NKR
    01-31 10:05 AM

    Please guys, bring these questions to the top.

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  • add78
    04-27 02:06 PM
    Please stop H1 Vs L1 discussion and do not support those who aim to divide this community on various visa types, categories, nationalities etc. Any further attempts by any member in this direction will result in ban. We would appreciate if you read the bill posted by IV and provide some analysis on its content on this thread.


    I went through the text of the new bill vis-a-vis current INA and compared the old and the proposed act. Here are the findings -

    Section 101 - This spells disaster for all H1Bs in consulting companies (as FT or C2C) -

    by striking clause (ii) of sub-paragraph (E) of the section 212(n)(1), and then adding the new clauses under (F), they are PROHIBITING placement of H1B employees on another employer's site, period. This will affect NOT ONLY pure staffing (desi or non-desi) companies who place their W-2 H1B employees at client site, BUT ALSO big consulting companies like IBM/ACCENTURE/DELOITTE et al. No placement/leasing/outsourcing/contracting for services or otherwise at another employer, period - UNLESS a waiver is obtained, which will mean every company will need to obtain a waiver in order to do so, EFFECTIVELY ENDING ANY CONSULTING BY H1B.

    Section 102 - This spells disaster for all companies who's H1B+L1 > 50% total employees

    by inserting two new clauses (H) and (I) in section 212(n)(1), it prohibits H1B only or H1B preferred advertisements and prevents any company that employees more than 50 employees to submit NEW H1B/L1 application IF the total number of H1B and L1 employees exceeds 50% of its total employees. It also requires ANY company employing even a single H1B employee to submit W-2s of IRS. This affects ALL Indian IT companies like TCS/WIPRO/INFOSYS/COGNIZANT et al.

    remaining sections (103 onwards) are more about enforcement and investigations.

    Section 201 - This spells disaster for companies that bring in workers on L visas

    This also affects ALL Indian IT companies like TCS/WIPRO/INFOSYS/COGNIZANT et al. AS WELL AS some other companies that might bring in workers from their home country.


    In the SHORT RUN, this hurts outsourcing industry, as they need more time, and H1B/L1 resources on site to transition the work offshore, but I agree that in the LONG RUN, it will GREATLY BENEFIT AND INCREASE OUTSOURCING.

    That will indeed be a sad day. Grassley and Durbin are trying to cut the branch they are sitting on. :) This will have the exact opposite of their desired effect.

    Hope this helps.

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  • indyanguy
    11-09 05:51 PM


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  • WeShallOvercome
    07-18 02:39 PM
    i called a couple of times spoke to Inf officer at NSC ,

    && she told she was not aware of cases where NSC has created rejection letters and sent them also she added they just completed june filers and will be starting to proceed with JULY .

    Now reg. my processing times:

    Applied Jun 30
    Receipt Jul 2 9:54 : FedEx
    status : On Hold ?
    Checks : Not cashed Yet

    She also adviced most probably i should receive some kind of communication before end of july !!

    That's great news !!

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  • axp817
    03-31 01:22 PM
    If in 485 denial it is due to ability to pay and they state so in 485 denial and you were paid labor wage from priority date until you left and were eligible for ac21 then the denial would not have been in error and you would be fine.

    I assume you meant to say "denial would have been in error".


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  • gc_on_demand
    06-16 09:24 AM

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  • SGP
    04-22 12:10 PM
    This is truly unfair where country of birth determined who gets an 'Employment' based greencard before someone else. It can only be fixed by eliminating per-country limits.

    Can't agree less with you pappu:)


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  • sodh
    01-31 09:01 PM
    Maybe we must sign a petition with a lot of signatures and present it to USCIS
    Cybersoft is the best example of exploitation of the system, so the labor substitution must be stopped immediately.

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  • abhijitp
    06-17 02:51 PM
    Takes less than 15 minutes. NORCAL, these reps are all from California, therefore I impore you to make these calls urgently!

    Easy steps that I followed:
    1) Go to the first post here:
    2) Right click, select santb1975's message, print it
    3) Find a conference room (or any place where you can speak without disturbance) for 15 minutes
    4) Call these 6 offices, exactly following the instructions you printed in step 2

    HAPPY CALLING, but please make it quick. Consider this your best chance to make a difference!


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  • eb3India
    03-08 11:45 AM
    Like I said, you have to give some credit to the Irish. They have the chutzpah of going to lawmaker's offices in DC and say "I am an illegal...I broke the laws and overstayed my visa...please change to law to make everything ok again for me please...". And our community thinks that someone is listening to their phone conversation about how to raise money and lobby for the legal immigrants?????

    I think it all boils down to how desparate we are for GCs, many people here on H1 just want to count their valid H1 visa and multiply them by thier montly savings,

    but Irish and many illegals itz a do or die situation they are smart people to knock on law makers door, before law-enforcing people knock on thier doors

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  • njboy
    01-30 09:55 AM
    so those with substituted labor better hope it clears before april 2007, and they get to file i140 otherwise..they'll have to file a new labor..just hope DOL does not let them keep the old priority date..Im not being vindictive..just feel that its unfair that people buy labors for 20K and get green card using a shell company in 6 months.


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  • mallikonnet
    07-16 07:17 PM

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  • gc_kaavaali
    12-12 08:38 PM
    I won't be a member at all...because if we make anything mandatory and don't let people realize what we are doing...i think people won't become member...

    There are so many (lazy) people who access this site and not even bother to become member...

    it is like catch 22...If u charge membership fee we will not give access to any of our forums for guests (it should be otherwise what is the use of taking membership)...if u don't give access to our forums how people know what IV is doing...

    again it is my personal opinion...i may be wrong...

    will you be member? I would propose we charge a mere $25 fee for registering and then monthly contribution of say $25. Then we run special funding drives for lobbying when ever required. Will you be a paid member to come out of GC mess?

    Please participate in the poll.


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  • Slowhand
    07-19 02:38 PM
    Slowhand, No Offense...If I were you, I would first contribute and then deal with this later. High time to contribute. If you have already contributed, please urge your friends to do so.
    Just a suggestion, sooner or later that's the way it should be. No offense taken.

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  • diptam
    08-25 12:07 PM
    a) Most banks have wiring fee ( $45)

    b) You must fill up a wire application every time.

    c) The bank which waived Wire Fee (suppose BOA ) sometimes convert $$ to Foreign currency right here at US,there by drastically reducing the Exchange Rate (once again they are private banks - we can't dictate their exchange rates)

    I joked with the BOA manager when he was trying to rip me off that way and asked him frankly whats the workaround - he told me to do a domestic USD wire to SBI-NY and instruct them to carry USD all the way to Foreign country (via International Wire) and then convert using SBI-India exchange rate which is fantastic.

    Who will do all that or lose money? These are the days for ONLINE-ACH man - Free transfer by mouse !

    Why don't you all just wire the money?
    Some banks waive its fees if you have a premium account with them.


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  • little_willy
    08-19 01:31 PM
    Congratulations!!! Your contributions to IV is appreciated even after GC and Citizenship.

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  • WeShallOvercome
    11-06 04:00 PM
    I see only one problem in this logic! Many cases I know of, at least from the 2007 H1B fiasco, paid for the H1Bs through consulting companies FROM THEIR POCKETS. So to answer your question as to why companies would spend $5000 in anticipation, is that they don't. They take it from the applicant. (again I am not saying all do, but there are abusive companies that do).

    No cap on visa numbers will never fly... No political environment will be conducive to bringing in unlimited foreign workers without any restrictions. L1 has no caps because it is very difficult to qualify for an L1 visa, as far as I know. If caps in H1 are removed, you can bet there will be severe restrictions imposed on other aspects of the program.

    That's right. I personally know people who have been asked to pay INR 250K (About $6K) to get their H1B done. So the companies have nothing to lose. They just want to have an upper hand with readily available supply of H1B workers if and when an American client is looking for a consultant.
    They do this without spending a penny from their pocket and sometimes even make profit just by sponsoring H1Bs for people in India.

    As a result, genuine visa seekers are denied a chance to get in and start working right away.

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  • georchen
    07-19 10:00 AM
    Signed by R.WILLIAMS at NSC For any one?
    Signed by R.Williams

    09-25 01:15 PM
    Hey buddy sc3, How are you this morning. I just have to go to a meeting in another few minutes. Would you be around today? We have to continue our discussion from the other day. I feel like learning a lot from you and I love discussing with you. Please stick around and I will be back soon. Please don't go, ok. In the meantime, here is an excellent video you may want to watch in the meantime.

    This is really good.


    Doing good, thank you. How about yourself? Sanju, with all these candies you are throwing at us, I am thinking that you might be the one my parents used to warn about (dont talk to strangers who offer you candies). So now I am very scared, you seem to have taken quite a liking to my thoughts, which scares me too (rest assured, I called dateline NBC too!, Chris Hansen is a nice person to talk to).

    You want to discuss more, well there is a problem, I am not a debater. I never won any debating contests. I see the points all of you are making, and, while I can understand where from it is coming. On a bleak day, I do commiserate with it - heck I do sometimes even cross over to play the devils advocate (Note: it is an expression, I am not saying we Indians are devils (I need to clarify, because there are some who take literal meaning at times)), but in the end, I have to come back to the quota being an enabler to control the "rush" of applicants.

    Some have said that EB is based solely on "merits", and that I am inventing my own intent (of diversity). No I am not, look it up. The per-country quota system is mentioned in the statues even before family or EB is discussed. Family based immigration have the per country quota too (why should an Indian Family suffer for X years, while families of other countries are able to unite sooner), but I dont see that we asked to remove the the quota completely. We only asked for removal in EB (but that is deviating from the topic).

    I am not anti-immigrant, just because I argue against some provisions does not make me anti-immigrant (well the same charge will be leveled against us by CIR folks because we dont take/support their approach), and no I dont yet have my GC. I may be whatever, but I will not burn the bridge after crossing it (though I have been known to burn the bridge while I am still on it).

    Yes, laws can (and shall) be changed, but can't we discuss the good and bad of what we are changing? I have seen many a legislation that have good intent at heart, but many times ends up without checks and balances (and eventually misused).

    06-11 11:25 AM
    Very sorry to hear your case. Based on what you said, no one in other cars were disabled or had life threatening injuries. So it is unlikely that the Judge would grant that much money from the Insurance company or you.

    You can always file for bankruptcy if worst situation comes. There is no shame in it in such circumstances.

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