Thursday, June 16, 2011

quotes about not caring

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  • fasterthanlight�
    06-14 11:47 AM
    Here's my second one, I want this one to be in the poll, not my first one. Thanks!

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  • coopheal
    08-11 11:39 AM

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  • anilsal
    11-13 12:01 AM
    Waiting for CIR bill for EB relif is not worthy. It will unlikley be passed in lame-duck congress, as t needs heavy conference. It may be the good idea to push SkIL bill or somesort of EB relief provison (like budget reconcilation bill last year) in other bills to be passed in lame duck period.
    Agreed, smaller ticket items while the big ones are being debated/reported in the media.

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  • imh1b
    01-10 05:22 PM
    Sending letters is a waste of time. I did many in the past and nothing happened. We will only make post office richer and lose money on postage. Nobody reads or replies to letters.

    Anyone willing to do hunger strike?


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  • h1b_alex
    03-29 03:43 PM
    @snathan oh no he never got me any interviews , he was basking away in the sun with his wife on the hammock with him, these were all my efforts of trying to find a job somewhere by posting on job sites, calling up companies, using my friend's reference, but i realize that even doing that companies here follow a longer process or some no process to actually keep the candiate informed about the status. This was way different in my home country.

    anyways yeah i know atleast 5 guys who have all been thru this company who have all flown in on their own and who did not blow the whistle.

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  • rheoretro
    11-12 02:11 PM
    Was just watching Late Edition on CNN..with Arlen Specter and Chuck Schumer.. Specter did mention that he expects the CIR to be passed in the next few weeks in the lame duck session by the house.. infact he mentioned that the conservative outgoing speaker Hastert in favour of this at this house might pass this now..with the senate already passed this..

    Lets see who this goes ..

    Rule #1 in politics: don't believe a word of what a politician says until you see those words translated into concrete actions.

    As for Dennis Hastert, who cares what he has to say now. Sayonara.:D


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  • darslee
    07-11 01:58 AM
    Great idea. Since our recent flowers also ended up at the veteran's hospital, maybe we should wear yellow ribbons in support of troops?

    I am not sure if you are being facetious but I think that is a great idea! :)

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  • tonyHK12
    04-08 03:00 PM


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    09-24 09:32 AM
    I believe the guy or girl who made comment on Immigration website has more like a grudge and might be carrying some old IV mistakes like lack of transparency we had in past etc. But gotta understand, everyone makes mistakes and improve.

    More, I don't understand that if that guy doesn't want to contribute coz he or she is poor - thats fine. He will still get benifits from IV efforts.

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  • Raju
    07-19 07:45 PM
    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing Aman's expenses.

    Could you please pledge an amount ?

    I cannot find this thread and the link does not work. I pledge $200


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  • cellphone
    04-20 03:51 PM
    ignore :D

    whatever the case is, this guy is doing it legally. Granted, he is taking advantage of the loop hole in the system. HOWEVER, it is legal. Trust me, we have taken advantage of several similar system loops holes in our lives.

    Everything is fair game as long as it is legal.

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  • ThinkTwice
    07-19 02:33 AM
    " Kapoor says he has spent about $64,000 of his own money in the last 19 months, largely on travel to and from Washington." _businessweek+exclusives

    Message from Pappu:

    Yes this is not a typo. This is true. Aman has made more financial sacrifices and time sacrifices than anyone else. Not a single penny has been reimbursed to him for his trips to DC, food and stay in DC or car rental in DC. He even risked his job and went to DC on unpaid leave at critical times because lobbying was important for getting our work done. We in the core team know this and when we see the kind of contributions we get from members, we feel disappointed that our efforts are not valued. When we started the $20 contributions people felt $20 was too high and wanted $10 per month or less. The kind of work and effort that is needed to push a single provision is phenomenal and needs lot of capital. The more the better. Sometimes reading posts that say IV core is selfish also disappoints us. People do not know the effort that goes in getting anything done. This website is simply a tool for us to communicate to everyone. The big effort is the lobbying work. We hope the Buisnessweek article helps people realize our hard work and people value it by contributing to it and helping us in all action items.


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  • gbof
    06-14 10:37 AM
    I guess I may fall victim of FBI background check. Even though, my priority date is not current yet but, it should be next couple of months based on recent EB-2 movement. We had our AOS interview last Nov and IO told us that she is going to initiate another Background check as original BC is more than two years old. In the end of April, I made an Infopass appointment out of curiosity because Background check use to be a major source of delay for many people. Service Rep on window told me that my Background check has not come back yet.. It was almost 5 months since it was ordered.. She did not elaborate on why was it pending.. She asked me couple of weird question which did not make any sense to me. I have schedule another appointment in next couple of days to find out where do I stand. I would like to keep my expectations in check as pending BC can delay it even when priority dates are current.
    Can anyone on forum please provide some info on what can be done if Background check is pending over 180 days.. I can make a request to my Congressmen and ask for their help... Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated..


    I really donot believe they will do Background checks again before approvals for everybody. Can you please elaborate what was the reason for the interview and what were the weird questions -- You can give us a little flavor. -Thanks

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  • needhelp!
    03-13 01:03 PM
    Posts are being repeated..
    but somehow its nice that it knows which ones to repeat ;)


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  • svkrishna
    01-31 09:05 AM
    Hello I got a yellow form 221(g) during my interview. Got my passport and approval back during the interview.
    Are other people in PIMS getting this yellow form/ 221(g) stating that "when administrative processing is completed in your case we will contact you"?
    This will allow me to decide if I am stuck in PIMS or something else.

    We did not get any yellow slip. We were told that we will get VISAs within a week. But we are still waiting to get them.

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  • axp817
    03-31 08:39 AM
    So do you think they are going after AC21 folks as a scapegoat? I spoke to few people on this including lawyers and they say that "denials on 485" when 140 gets revoked is a common thing and usually the officer who issues the denial letter does not check and verify to see other details. Thats why they have to go through the MTR process.

    Although, UN seems to suspect that there might be more beneath the surface here.

    What still beats me is that if the 140 had problems, why would they even bother requesting for AC21 evidence and not just deny the 485 in the first place.

    Unless..., when the 140 got revoked they realized that it had been more than a 180 days since the 485 was filed, and gave the applicant the benefit of doubt and asked for a new EVL, but while the applicant was in the process of replying to the NOID, they did some more digging, found that the underlying approved 140 had ability to pay (or other) issues and then denied the 485 on that basis.

    You seem to be 'in the know' about this case/applicant, do you happen to know what the next steps are/would be/should be in this particular case?



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  • tonyHK12
    04-20 06:47 PM
    Congrats. Keep those boots hanged up :)

    Like I said I have never attacked anybody first, unless I was provoked.

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  • smisachu
    01-21 04:25 PM
    You seemed to be a Pro with so much of information.
    I know this is a pretty old thread, but interested to find out if you give some tips on starting this business on a H1B and how i can withdraw profits from that?
    Any help is appreciated.

    What exactly do you mean when you say starting this business? Do you want to open a trading account on your own and trade? Join a day trading firm? Or open a Fund? Each one will have different implications on H1. You can open your own investment account with a brokerage firm and trade your own money, no problem with H1 what so ever.
    If you join a day trading firm you will have to be on H1 with them. Very few ones do but I know of a couple who will do it. In fact a classmate of mine is working as a Trader/Analyst with a small trading firm in NYC. They have sponsored his H1.
    Starting a fund, (if you can get the seed money :D), you open a LLC and sponsor yourself. You will be an employee of the company and draw a salary. You tell me what you have in mind and I will tell you what to do or what I did.

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  • CADude
    11-17 05:33 PM
    NC process usually start 1 or 2 weeks after Notice date(this you will get in Receipt Notice). So it's more than 4 years. Wow it's bad.

    I filed 485 in Sep 2003.
    First Finger Print is done in Aug 2004.
    Second Finger Print is done in April 2007.
    Took Infopass on Sep 11th 2007 and I was told by Officer that everything looks good but still pending and asked me to check after 2 months.
    Took Infopass again on Nov 13th 2007 and came to know that FBI Name Check is Pending on my and my wife's cases.

    How do I know how long FBI Name Check is Pending on my case ?

    12-12 10:16 PM
    Excuse my cynicism, but that hasn't quite worked out with the crowd in question (so far... ), has it? :)

    Context: the highlighted part in your quote...


    We already have chapters as the first and foremost source of valuable information. Once someone becomes involved and committed, they will signup for monthly contributions themselves. If we have enough of that to guarantee a decent source of recurring income like 20 40 k or whatevr, I dont see the need to deprive some depressed soul surfing the net looking for some reassuring information from having to goto bed in peace.

    07-24 11:48 AM
    Having seen numerous threads in which the exchanges became rude/sarcastic/rude or even outright abusive and vulgar, I was hoping that this would not become one.

    Ron, while you may have a point in what you say, sarcasm and taunts will get you no where. As you said, the 'antis' are gearing up, suggesting (I presume) that the effort of all of us should be more concerted and determined. But you are not doing yourself any favor by saying the things that you do.
    Raji had a point of view, and has not been rude or offensive in expressing it. In fact, her/his first post was out why it is not good to use the AILA template. Well, PASKAL did try to address. Raji's tone or tenor of posts did not merit a peremptory reply, much less a rude one.

    Be that as it may, I do believe fervently that even if someone insists/demands an answer, you can always ignore it instead of being rude or aggressive.

    That way there will be more people on IV'S side.

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