Friday, June 17, 2011

honda dio scooter

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  • prinive
    07-14 07:24 PM
    Done. :mad: :mad:

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  • pansworld
    12-03 10:06 PM
    Do we have an estimate for break even for investment into monthly payments?

    to do this as well and doing it doesn't gaurantee a Good Return on Investment based on the past experience

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  • Moto scooter Honda Dio 50 cc.

  • caliguy
    09-15 11:36 PM
    Senators inquiry was initiated in first week of September. I guess that is TSC's way of saying F$%$ off....

    I am thinking.....I think they have black listed my application for hassling them too much :)
    How can I get in their good books now? :)

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  • Pictures of for sale honda dio

  • answers_seeker
    07-18 01:50 PM
    Thanks...but isn't the post mark date is when you send the mail ?

    Right.But in your case, the guy who recieved your packet..might have mistakenly stamped the postmark date as the RD date . If so that is definitely their mistake. Wait a week or so to see what happens and if you dont' hear anything, take an infopass appointment to sort it out.


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  • chanduv23
    06-08 09:17 AM
    My dad came to US in 1971 and got a green card at the airport under "Employment based 3rd preference category(For engineers, Doctors and Chartered Accountantss)" though he went back after a few years. Thats how they used to give Green Cards in those days. Lot of engineers, doctors and chartered accountantss migrated in the beginning of 70s. After few years they stopped that and there was a lot of opposition to Indian professionals (professional rivalry), later stage people found it difficult to survive the rivalry, a lot of doctors went through hell when they found themselves getting fired from residencies and denied jobs. Things are a lot better now as these things are very less heard of these days.

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  • Honda DIO Moped - Images

  • SGP
    04-13 05:38 AM
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$GOOD MORNING GC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Deadline = April 30th, 2011
    Goal = 5000 votes on survey (see I-485 filing w/o current PD thread) and momentum to continue with this campaign.The survey is a platform to gather and push for launching action items. Based on response by 04/30/2011 - IV will decide whether to even proceed with initiative or not.
    Actions - 1) Vote on survey.
    2)Email with PD, ph#,email & subject "I485 filing impacted�,
    3)Print/Circulate Fliers and spread FB, wiki link (see "support thread")

    Dear IV Members,

    If you believe that your success depends on your immigration process - whether it's the ability to file I-485 earlier or to get green-card and citizenship sooner or whether it's the ability of your spouse to work - then you have to believe that your success somehow depends on the success of Immigration voice and these 170 volunteers in DC next week.
    As you may know, we are just one more week away from hosting Advocacy day in Washington DC where about 170 members of Immigration Voice will conduct nearly 250 meetings with offices of Senators and Congressmen. Such events cost money. If we have enough contributions, we can spend as per our budget of nearly $ 50,000. If not, we will have to cut back on the event spending and reduce the magnitude and size of the event.
    If you are not coming to DC next week, please do your part and contribute funds to Immigration Voice. It not only finances the event properly, it instills pride and confidence in the members who will be there in DC that there are thousands of willing supporters behind them who could not be there physically but are 100% with them in their determination and resolve.

    For background click here -> Announcement about April 2011 Advocacy Days (
    Contribute to Advocacy Event on the Capitol Hill ( (All one-time contributions will go towards organizing the Advocacy Days event)


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  • GC_1000Watt
    01-10 01:07 AM
    Dont take this the wrong way. From what I have seen in my very brief history of following these forums, this is one of the few immigration forums out there that is not driven by ulterior motives - lawyers' interests etc. Please, please, as a favor, do not drag this effort down. I understand many of us are frustrated, but let not the frustration drag us down deeper into the hole. For people who don't agree with the policies here, put forth some constructive suggestions and see how that works. If it doesn't work, well you have realized how tough it is to get a group of people follow your conviction :) And then you might develop an appreciation for the work being done here.
    And if your approach works, hey..excellent for all of us. But please don't put forth only negative criticism.
    All the best to all of us.

    I can see you history buddy. Just a second post since you joined in july 2007?
    So let's not give you the authority of who is doing good and what needs to be done. Let us know if you have any good suggestions. Thanks.

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  • add78
    04-28 09:57 AM
    Any idea when this is going for voting?
    Democrats are supporting this or not?

    I would strongly suggest everyone to acquaint himself/herself with the legislative process and how a bill moves through different phases / steps before it becomes a law. You can find many postings documenting the process.

    Right now it is just introduced in the senate. The problem for us is that Sen Durbin is Democratic Whip (i.e. Assistant Majority Leader) which gives him tremendous influence over garnering votes and referring which legislation to consider to the Majority Leader (Harry Reid in the Senate). Ultimately Reid decides which legislation get priority consideration. The fact that Grassley is a Republican and is close to the Minority Leader (I think) does not help us either. We will monitor the progress of the bill.


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  • Pictures of honda dio zx

  • msyedy
    01-30 09:22 AM
    This is good news..But the Damage is already been the past.....

    I guess DOL had some 300K cases pending when Backlog center started..It adjudicated some 150K till now.( Rough Estimate) and still 150 K left.

    Even if considering 10000 Labors been substituted till now ...Imagine the wait period for rest of us. I wish this law was enacted, when they started Backlog centers..

    Anyway..something is better than nothing....Hope for the Best...for new laws regarding SKIL,CIR Etc..atleast filing 485 when Visa numbers are not available..

    Good news indeed but not that good too, becuase the companies still have a chance to use up the labor in 45 days which is definitly possible.

    Now we will be seeing many Labors filling before this becomes a law in March.

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  • vga_1977
    04-15 05:23 PM
    Hi hur11

    Please let me know which category you have applied EB2/ EB3. Below is my qualification

    Degree : B.Com ( 3 years)
    PG : M.C.A (IGNOU - 3 Years)
    Experience - 8 Years in India and 3 years in USA with different employer.

    Thanks in Advance



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  • Pictures of Honda Dio 3 w/

  • seeking_GC
    05-26 05:48 PM
    If this is correct then we (all of IV) should support this bill and go all out to get this passed.

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  • arunmohan
    08-12 06:14 PM
    All EB3 applicants should send this letter. I am going to send this letter.


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  • For Sale (Honda Dio) Race

  • Maverick1
    11-14 05:45 PM
    PM'ed you.. good luck with you efforts :)

    Responded to your PM. Thanks for your wishes.


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  • EB3_SEP04
    07-01 09:45 PM
    I can think of following reasons in the order of relevence :

    - We've got highest level of tolerence in the world as individuals and as society (probably that's why british could rule for 150 years :) ) and please don't shoot me, i'm not saying it's bad. just a fact.

    - Feeling of insecurity because of being in a foreigner country or because of not being a part of majority.

    - lack of knowledge of our rights/duties which sometimes causes guilty feeling when you think "I'm objecting to something that i agreed to whole heartedly, yesterday".

    - going to court/authorities is considered bad in many culstures (as a famous Marathi saying goes "a wise man should not climb court's door-stpes ")

    - "I don't have time", "I don't wan't the hassle" or "Jaane do" attitude.

    - Is there anyone who still thinks along the lines of "maine aapka namak khaaya hai.." ? i don't think so.


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  • hair Honda Dio DLX Scooter

  • kumarc123
    12-31 02:29 PM
    I want to thank everyone for contributing their personal story, I as an immigrant understand the importance of Green Card. We have worked dillegently over the years, sacrificing our personal dreams, our spouses sacrificng their personal dreams.

    I am an optimistic person and I believe we will see a positive response.

    However with the current status of the economy, just asking for visa recapture will not help, we cannot bring a change based on one side of the bargain, what we need is a two way bargain. What we need to do is offer business deal, let them know that we do care about the economy and would like to contribute to make this country stonger, as it was in the past.

    The congress will do anything to get rid of all these homes off the market, if we add our intention's of buying homes in a our personal stories, they will think it from their side of the benefit as well.

    In all you stories please add you intentions to buy a home, as without greencard you do not want to take the risk.

    The downfall of the economy started with the housing crisis, and the economy will bounce back with a substantial improvement in the housing market. WE NEED TO INCLUDE OUR INTENTION OF BUYING HOMES

    Infact, we should also send emails to realtor association, let them know our intentions, so they can communicate it further to the congress.

    Guys you all are incredible and have contributed your valuable time and effort in IV. So I humbly request you all to please channel this effort lucratively for the other side as well. Remember the quote? BEGGARS ARE NOT CHOOSERS

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  • m306m
    06-11 05:18 PM
    1. You have the insurance company on your side to defend
    2. Until the judgment goes against you or you run away, you do not need to worry about freezing bank account
    3. In worst case, during the judgment time they will consider your family, two kids. They are not heartless people and it�s just an accident. That guy must be insane to ask 3.25 million. I couldn�t believe the whiplash injury especially when the damage was <$1500. I just assume the impact must be very minimal.

    My advice is, don�t lose your hope and sleep. You insurance company is there with you to defend. Keep in touch with them and respond promptly to court notice or any letters. You do not need to withdraw your GC. Worst case if everything goes against you declare bankruptcy and leave the country legally. So if you want to come back in the future, you won�t have much problem.

    When you don�t have anything to lose�why do you worry. Keep it cool and every thing will be fine. Seems like those guys wanted to have retirement with your money.

    Dont Panic....

    I am sorry I disagree.

    1. The insurance company is not necessarily on your side. They will only pay up to the amount of liability that you are insured against and that too most insurance company will do reluctantly.
    2. It will be too late to transfer money out of the bank account after the judgement is passed. They will freeze your accounts when the case goes to trial. If you are going to transfer money do it before the trial.
    3. I agree 3 + million is absolutely unreal. Try and settle this before it goes to trial for a nominal amount.


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  • Scooter Thread

  • trueguy
    11-04 04:03 PM
    What do you think is the percentage of EB3 -I, who entered their info in this poll?

    That is the million dollar question :) and I wish we knew the answer

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  • helix
    04-20 04:08 PM
    Just contributed through Paypal. I appreciate all your efforts immensely.

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  • senthil1
    05-24 05:50 PM
    This H1b fees companies need to bother. I think 95% cases Company is sponsoring H1b.

    All H1 filings which now pay a fee of $1500 or $750 will be asked to pay $10000 or $5000.....It does not apply to the H1 exempt institutions....

    04-26 10:03 PM
    Hello TNMan, If L1 guys is doing a H1B duty and if you can prove it, sue TCS and talk to DOL. You won't need GC trust me. They will pay a lot.. and pls. help us by creating one more thread on this subject exclusively.. Don't hijack an important thread like this...

    But forum, Pls. get back focus onto the main topic..

    06-16 12:00 PM
    i dont know why we are debating this...... just do it if you want, and if you dont want to then dont. simple as that.

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