Friday, June 17, 2011

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  • shahuja
    02-06 09:01 PM
    hello EVERYBODY..need help..

    this is the email came from my lawyer today..for the inquiry they did with the consulate regarding my visa.

    Hi Shweta,

    We understand how frustrating this is for you. We received a response to our inquiry with the consulate. It seems the application is being kept pending for additional administrative processing. The stated reason for the review falls within the law under Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Under these circumstances, we typically see that the government issues a notice to the applicant wherein additional information is often requested. Kindly advise if you have received any notification from the consulate on this issue.

    Best regards,


    also the same day i called DOS and they told me case was approved already in that means that now more processing needs to be done ??

    ADVICE ??

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  • raj1998
    04-21 08:58 AM
    thanks for agreeing with me :)

    hey are you Sheila Ann or Sheila Kijawani ? :D

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  • chaanakya
    08-14 02:47 AM
    When you say ..."they are suffering and its not justified".....

    This is exactly what is wrong !!! Why the hell do we feel that it is unjustified?? Not only for EB3 or EB2 or anyone for that matter ?? Congress has the authority to pass laws, even something as insane as "no EB immigration for the next 20 years" or something like that. IMMIGRATION is a priviledge, NOT a birthright. India has its laws too, my son who was born here has to report every 6 months like a criminal even though he has a valid visa in India?? Is that unjustified? NO, it is the law in INdia. Students at national universities in India from foreign countries pay in excess of 100 times what an indian student pays, is that justified ? NO, it is the discretion of the UGC.

    For those complaning about USCIS, do you even remember trying to pay the water bill or the telephone bill or electric bill in INdia? Those were the reasons that drove people out of the country. The US is not perfect but it has pretty generous laws and the USCIS is not perfect but it is trying. Here, if you dont get a response in 6 months, you have options to pursue this, even talk to senators and congressmen. In INdia there are murder cases that run longer than 15-20 years.

    So please cut the "suffering" and "unjustified" feelings from the equation. If you are "suffering" because of immigration related issues, then that is ENTIRELY by choice.

    There will be opinions. You are entitled to yours and so am I. I guess we can lay this to rest here. No point in arguing it till the end of time.

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  • walker15
    09-17 01:00 PM
    25 minutes lunch now, after lunch hope they will discuss.


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  • malibuguy007
    08-19 10:25 PM
    Right on!
    Well there are several added advantages like you mentioned.
    What kind of business you do? If you don't mind asking.
    Are you making money? ( bottom line hehe ) :)

    That is a ridiculous question

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  • atlfp
    11-14 12:45 PM
    He does not worth such attentions!


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  • leoindiano
    03-13 11:19 AM
    it doesnt hurt to believe, you are 9 months away...:-)

    As the guy who posted it said, this is a normal process....Consulates will know 3 to 4 days before...

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  • glus
    07-11 07:46 AM
    If they have to log this information then they may encash the cheque for this work. :eek: :eek:

    USCIS can't cash the checks. A check submitted with AnY application can only be cashed if and when the agency decides that the application can be accepted and processed(initial processing.)



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  • ronhira
    01-11 12:51 PM
    Why dont you organize a rally, we will contribute and be their for the rally. We need to do something ASAP. I humbly request you and other core members to organize a rally and pick one day for sending flowers to either white house or USCIS. Also we can balck out our personal information and send our transcripts as well.

    Please organize a date, how about February14th, we will get more attention. Love for permanent residency, media will like the idea and broadcast it.

    often i'm amazed by the knowledge of some of the posters here...... but more often i get a laugh out of stupid ideas that r thrown around...... for example u want something big.... want to send transcript..... blacking out the name...... if there is no name on the transcript..... how will anyone know if its genuine...... so u r still afraid of someone knowing u'r name... but u want to do something big....... that makes real sense...... if u know what i mean..... then u want someone else to do a rally....... r u going to come to the rally?..... how will u hide u'r personal information when u come for the rally....... maybe time to take out the Halloween nixon mask.... to protect the personal information/identity..... and for the hunger strike.... lets have someone with a nixon mask do hunger strike...... we could just say that its not me who is doing the hunger strike.... its president nixon doing hunger strike on my behalf....... great idea...... by far the best one ;)

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  • santb1975
    12-03 03:01 PM
    But is this ok to do?

    Is this a legal option for a non profit? If so, I suggest we go for it!

    Here is one scheme I have been thinking about:
    1. Every week members donate any amount they like over paypal
    2. At the end of the week one of them is selected and refunded 2 times his contribution amount
    3. To make things interesting and ensure the scheme "helps" and not "hurts" IV: Change the selection process every once in a while e.g. One week you select the user who has donated an "average" amount, but next week you select the "highest" donor, in the 3rd week you select the "5th" name in the donor's list irrespective of his amount, and so on.

    consider the following players/amounts in a given week:
    user1: $20
    user2: $100
    user3: $10
    user4: $45
    user5: $25
    user6: $50
    user7: $25
    user8: $5
    user9: $10
    user10: $100
    Total: $390
    Divide by 10 users: $39
    This week's selection process: Select the "average" donor.
    Who donated an amount closest to the average? : user4 ($45)
    Therefore, refund user4 for $90

    What IV received in the process: $390- $90 = $300

    The other BIG question is: what incentive do people then have to sign up for monthly contributions, which is clearly the preferred way of contributing as it helps in planning and budgeting? The answer would probably be "bigger" prizes for those who sign up for monthly contributions!

    Of course... if only people realize there can be no greater incentive than receiving your Green Card sooner/ being able to apply for AOS any time after LC/PERM stage is cleared.... we would not have to care about all these fancy ideas!

    Too bad people can't see what is "2+2" until it is shown as 2*2*2 - 2^2!


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  • needhelp!
    12-12 11:09 AM
    I had sent mine a while back. This is the least we can do as individuals.

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  • sledge_hammer
    07-18 12:41 PM
    Was it the first extension (before the completion of 6 years)?

    I got extension for 3 yrs. 140 approved, 485 filed 3 yrs ago


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  • sbabunle
    08-19 03:20 PM
    Congratulations on your Citizenship desi3933!!
    Whom you gonna vote? Obama or McCain? I think thats the
    only difference between GC and Citizenship. Ofocurse if you do
    somethingbad you will goto jail and no deportation :D

    So you gonna start some company? I could give you some tips :D

    Good luck.

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  • ssa
    08-13 08:11 PM
    Chanakya, whatever your arguments may be but calling the current state of EB2-I a "plight" is a little crazy. We are seeing one of the biggest advancements in PD dates for EB2-I. I can understand if an EB3-I feels outraged after reading your post.
    I'm EB2 myself but a little empathy would be a good thing... :)


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  • shree19772000
    02-06 01:08 PM
    I think core should ignore some of the comments from people who have no trust in IV. I know how it feels when someone undermines your genuine effort. People who cannot help can atleast support and encourage the core team by just being positive. I do not mean to offend anyone.

    Please be united and do whatever you can, towards this common cause.

    Thanks everyone....

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  • JunRN
    09-17 01:35 PM
    Senate S3414 must pass this as a rider to the re-authorization of e-verify. Once this pass and both houses agree, then off to whitehouse for signing.


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  • gjoe
    11-02 11:34 AM
    All those who are questioning my profile details please check the public profile of mine. It has more info than most of you (Mr.internet) have in your own. To those who are calling to close this thread - Already someone modified the poll and added two new options, I won't be surprised if it is closed. If it is it will only show how fake some of you are when you talk about a few reasons ( not all) why GC backlogged should be solved fast.
    Someone wanted the moderators to ban me. Tell me why I should be banned? Do you say you just want everyone to only listen to what you say and what you want them to do? You can't tolerate others' opinions and thoughts?
    I am here in this country on H1B since 2000. I am also one of you waiting in this endless queue for my GC. I am also like one of you trying to get my GC fast. But I don't like to lie or twist facts for my convenience.

    Thought for the day "Walk a mile in the shoes of an American before you ask them to beleive what you say"

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  • jkays94
    06-09 05:00 PM
    Very good material jkays94.

    I am glad to see that is so much documented material out there that puts the rights of all individuals clearly regardless of immigration status.

    I wish people would come forward and participate in efforts of their choice and speak up against unfair system, thru IV or otherwise, and not be afraid of getting fired and getting deported or being a victim of prejudice by USCIS just because they posted a thread on IV, or contributed funds or met a lawmaker to petition them for pains.

    There are a lot of visitors of the site(who wont even register on this site) who have such apprehensions and doubts and posts like yours help clear those doubts and help them join this effort and strengthen our hands.

    Logiclife, no problem. Thanks for starting this thread as I think it has spawned a very healthy debate for all where critical issues that afflict us have been debated and previously unknown information has been shared.

    I hope that many more of us will step forward, we have a lot of rights but it is easy to forget that. And it is the precense of those rights that indeed make America a great country, a country that stands out differently from many others. I join you in urging all to exercise their rights and in working to make a difference alongside and through their support of IV.

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  • Desertfox
    11-01 04:41 PM
    What is this reverse brain drain ? there is no such thing - folks who are here are going to hang on tooth & nail to stay here come hell or high water - the only ones who are going back are the ones who have no other option.

    Or they have way more options than you or me!! Don't envy those guys who move around the world like free birds not thinking twice about leaving the green card process half way, and unlike us they probably will earn more after leaving US. Your post shows lots of frustration..... take it easy man!:D

    01-30 11:56 AM
    This is good but too late. Now that BEC's have already cleared lots of labors and it is now in the pipeline of substitution. By the time they actually impelement this rule, they would have cleard all the backlogs. May be this will stop only 5-10% of BEC labor substitution.

    If they had implemented this rule a year or 18 months back when they started this BEC, it would have helped us a lot. If all the BECs are cleared and those labors enter into substitution pipeline before this rule is enacted, then it will not cause any improvements for retrogression.

    So do not get too excited now. It is already too late. If for some reasons, if it eliminates some substitution it is only a little releif for us. Overall it is a good move.

    WHY DID NOT they talk about this implementations all these times and talk about it NOW should answer the strengths of AILA and other lobbying groups who have vested interest in this substitution. Now these orgs will not oppose much on this rule as they have already made 80% of labor substutition bussiness which was worth multi million dolloars to them. They are ready to forego meagre 20% business and will also look like a good cop for public by supporting this rule.

    I see DOL making so many improvements, PERM process in full gear, BECs finishing up most of their backlogs, and then, no labor substitution rule. Hope USCIS takes some inspiration from them.

    09-29 02:05 AM
    They might have found some irregularity or discrepancy in your current petition! Never heard of something like this before though!
    Please consult a lawyer Your question is better answered by him!
    Good Luck

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