Friday, June 17, 2011

funny stuff to say

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  • gc28262
    11-03 09:21 AM
    That is so TRUE! Ask me I finished my undergraduate from US, and I didn't get selected in the H1 lottery system 3 times, yes 3 times. Neither my wife's labor was cleared in July fiasco. So imagine my situation.

    who do I blame? US govt? Or these Desi companies who have exploited H1B system to the core, abusing the system and making our lives miserable each day. Well I am about to join an organization, which will report these Desi companies straight to Department of Commerce, there are a group of students from other Universities who are planning to be a part of the organization.

    Your question is genuine. Whom to blame ? definitely US gov for not providing enough H1B numbers.

    What makes you think the permanent employees are better qualified to get an H1 than the ones from consulting companies ?
    Generally consultants are highly competitive than the so called "permanent" employees. Many US graduates are employed due to some agreement between the universities and companies. During my consulting career, I have seen so many mediocre permanent employees who were hired just because they graduated from some XYZ US university.

    I had a colleague who was PHD in computer science from some US university. His main topic of PHD, "parrallel processing". He didn't even have a proper understanding of different POSIX thread calls which he used for his PHD. That is the value of a US degree or PHD. Your degree is only as good as you !

    I have been seeing many members talking about taking on consulting companies so that they can get better chunk of H1B visas. If you are that smart, go ahead and lobby for GC exemption for US graduates.

    I know how labors are certified for the "permanent" employees. I was called as a candidate for one of those interviews.

    Remember, if I ( the consultant) am coming down I am bringing down you ( permanent employee) with me.

    Think before you leap !

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  • gcformeornot
    12-12 09:46 PM
    who are opposing to paid services.........
    If you think other immigration sites are free........... think twice...... they are offering free message posting based on your past money or future money of your fellow ralatives...............

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  • english_august
    07-11 10:03 PM
    Will the Nor Cal P.R. person please stand-up!

    We are coordinating the media effort with the core team and focussing on the tactical stuff right now.

    Does that mean that you are preparing the press release as well? Please send some information our way so that we can start blogging.

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  • gjoe
    01-30 05:19 PM
    I sent that question in for the debate about 2 weeks ago. Glad it is on the list. I cannot access this link now for some reason

    I guess we should use chances like these to get our agenda heard by the people and the govt. There are going to be atleast 3 more presidential debates we should try to get this question asked atleast in a couple of them. We can modify the question to make it more broad, but still keep the focus on legal immigration problems by highlighting it.

    PS: You have earned yourself some green ;) I mean rep points from me


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  • smisachu
    01-23 08:58 PM
    One more question for now
    Do i need to apparoach an immigration lawyer and a CPA for setting up a company?
    I have PMed you with some questions you have asked

    I dont think so. I PM'ed back.

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  • sangarmool
    10-08 04:56 PM
    Someone gave me red dot with following comment --

    please look at your very H-1 visa application and interview, you would have also said to the visa officer that you DO NOT have immigrant intent. I dont know of a single person who said that they HAVE an intention to immigrate.

    Yes buddy, you lied....for a long time and now you are talking!

    H1 is a dual intent. So you can always say that you intent to immigrate. I have said the same many times to the immigration officers and usually they have said no problem.


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  • rheoretro
    09-13 09:52 PM
    I deeply appreciate the follow up messages from nycgal369 and amitjoey, as well as the efforts of other members who are posting and reading messages...

    Leave the PR and outreach efforts on Capitol Hill efforts to the core members. We need help from other members who are willing to dedicate their efforts to getting members. Talk to family, friends and colleagues. Talk to people in your classes, if you are taking part-time classes. Talk to your boss. Talk to your neighbors who are US citizens and get them to talk to Congressmen and Senators...send emails and letters to your Congressmen and Senators!

    Once again, following up on what nycgal369 said, exactly what amount people contribute is in some ways not what we care first and foremost for. Please contribute what you can comfortably handle within your budget. Whether it is $20, or $ 50 or $500 is your call...the important thing is that people start contributing something...we need funds to support our lobbying activities. And please be assured...all expenses will be audited by a CPA. We are legally obligated to do this.

    Another point that nycgal369 raised is about community outreach efforts...we are already in touch with organizations, both on the left and the right. Please leave that to us. Please help us out with recruiting members and with raising money...

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  • gceverywhere
    01-31 07:46 PM
    thanks for leading this effort


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  • vsrinir
    05-04 03:15 PM
    I got Soft LUD on 04/28/09 for me and all dependents.

    I am EB3/India/PD:10/2004

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  • zCool
    01-31 11:02 AM
    Those who are celebrating .. consider this.. your employer decides for any reason to not continue filing I-140 or decides to let you go in 6th yr.. earlier you used to have at least possibility of sub labor.. now you are basically straight out of luck.. Also if microsoft needed some genius from China or India to join their team and the guy obviously deserves special consideration due to business need and/or his talent.. they are stuck..! It's not good.. yes desi folks were selling and buying these but remedy is worse than the defect.. they could have made changes to rules to make it stringent and almost impossible to get but no reason to place such arbitraty deadlines etc.. if H1B and GC is geared towards desi consulting.. it's should not and will not exist in the long run..
    Indentured servitude and middle-men agent type business model is not ideal for anyone including US economy..


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  • sundar99
    02-22 10:00 AM
    Hi Sobers,

    Outstanding efforts. Also, not sure if you all agree ? if we get the NASCOM email id for karnik, perhaps we shud emphasise the SOCIAL SEC contribution made by us so that, they do not forget us at the last minute, since H1 issues will be followed up more religiously.

    Should we send out emails to karnik and crowd ?

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  • syedajmal
    09-17 04:23 PM
    How do I open a SR. Appreciate any help and specifics.


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  • darslee
    07-11 01:58 AM
    Great idea. Since our recent flowers also ended up at the veteran's hospital, maybe we should wear yellow ribbons in support of troops?

    I am not sure if you are being facetious but I think that is a great idea! :)

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  • SGP
    04-15 05:03 AM
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$GOOD MORNING GC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Deadline = April 30th, 2011
    Goal = 5000 votes on survey (see I-485 filing w/o current PD thread) and momentum to continue with this campaign.The survey is a platform to gather and push for launching action items. Based on response by 04/30/2011 - IV will decide whether to even proceed with initiative or not.
    Actions - 1) Vote on survey.
    2)Email with PD, ph#,email & subject "I485 filing impacted�,
    3)Print/Circulate Fliers and spread FB, wiki link (see "support thread")

    Dear IV Members,

    If you believe that your success depends on your immigration process - whether it's the ability to file I-485 earlier or to get green-card and citizenship sooner or whether it's the ability of your spouse to work - then you have to believe that your success somehow depends on the success of Immigration voice and these 170 volunteers in DC next week.
    As you may know, we are just one more week away from hosting Advocacy day in Washington DC where about 170 members of Immigration Voice will conduct nearly 250 meetings with offices of Senators and Congressmen. Such events cost money. If we have enough contributions, we can spend as per our budget of nearly $ 50,000. If not, we will have to cut back on the event spending and reduce the magnitude and size of the event.
    If you are not coming to DC next week, please do your part and contribute funds to Immigration Voice. It not only finances the event properly, it instills pride and confidence in the members who will be there in DC that there are thousands of willing supporters behind them who could not be there physically but are 100% with them in their determination and resolve.

    For background click here -> Announcement about April 2011 Advocacy Days (
    Contribute to Advocacy Event on the Capitol Hill ( (All one-time contributions will go towards organizing the Advocacy Days event)


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  • rimzhim
    02-01 02:55 PM
    Believe it or not, I know a consultant who lives in one of those "guest houses" where consultants who come from India are housed, and there is a guy who lives there whose job is to cook, clean and buy groceries for the housmates. HE HAS A GC APPLICATION PENDING! And people like me and many others who truely deserve to be hired and retained in this country are facing an uphill task of getting through the GC process.

    That cook guy came to the US with a Bachelor degree in commerce, called B.Com. He hasn't been able to get a project for 4 3 years now. He doesn't get paid by the company. He is just a freeloader living there.

    Imagine how many suck "cooks", "maids", and gas station employees might be out there clogging up the system!
    I don't get this. Who is sponsoring this person's GC? He must have a sponsor to get the EB-based GC. He can't show his job skills as cooking !!:)

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  • pitha
    02-01 12:09 PM
    Same old blah blah blah we cannot and should not keep reacting to such nonsense. A fraction of what he told is true but he is blowing it out of proportion. Lets not post such nonsense here which is the standard stump speech of anti immigration folks


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  • Jyothi
    02-02 09:52 AM
    Please see the response that I received from

    The SKIL Bill is a proposed piece of legislation that would increase the
    number of H-1Bs and green cards. It is included in the comprehensive
    immigration bill Congress is likely to consider this spring and will
    hopefully pass in the fall.


    Greg Siskind

    Gregory Siskind, Attorney at Law
    Siskind Susser Bland - Immigration Lawyers
    Telephone: 800-748-3819 or 901-682-6455
    Fax: 800-684-1267 or 901-339-9604

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  • AabTuAgaGC
    06-15 05:46 PM
    Damn! Is there anything straightforward and easy in this GC process. :mad: :mad:

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  • gc_chahiye
    10-24 04:32 PM
    I just looked at my old cases(H1Bs-I-129) and i see LUDs on them too!!! This is so weird.

    These are from my last company!
    LUD on 05/06/2006 - Approved on October 11, 2003
    LUD on 10/21/2007 - Approved on March 19, 2002

    I see LUDs but no difference in the status. They both say approval notice sent.

    whats your PD and 485-RD? Maybe your case is close to approval and they are just looking up older H1s

    08-01 04:16 PM
    MBA is not about just learning or knowledge. (atleast that's what I saw in the business school). If you really want to know about finance, strategy or economic courses, it is already available in Sloan open courseware website. MBA is about networking and meeting the right people (even if you dont know anything) who can provide leads and opportunities in future. It also helps if it is from a top university with great alumni. I did go to a top 15 school flextime. Did it really help me ? Personally No. But it did provided me with a foot in the door for many opportunities. If you are H1B not looking to get a GC then I would risk it and go for full time. If you have a greencard, then I would risk it again and go for full time. But if you are in the middle of the process and want MBA to help your future growth and if you are planning to do part time, it is a long shot. Most of the part time programs don't really care about their students with respect to career opportunities and they all cater towards full timers. (Those are the statistics that is widely published in the news) It is a cash cow for the university. So the only odd man out is entreprenuership. If you are lucky you will be make it with the first company. But serial entreprenuers will eventually succeed in the long term. My advise is to go for a full time program with a top 15 school, I wish I should have done in top 5. Again there are lucky ones who can make it big even with a lower school, but the odds are slim.

    Experience made me a little pessimist :confused:

    06-12 11:32 PM
    Democratic party is not officially announced its candidate. They will announce in their convention. Do you know that ???.
    Sen. Clinton just pause her campaign, not disbanded till now (for your info- read New York Times).
    Party nomination not brings strong standing in the party. Where is John Kerry now?. All depends on their family connections and influential supporters.

    What are you talking? which part of the world do you belong? Obama is the democratic candidat for 2008 Presidential Elections Its conformed.He is not still fighting and also he how can you justify that he is a weak person? do you know he was no where in the picture and no one expected he will won the nomination when the Democratic Primary was he is the democratic PRESIDENTIAL now you should have undestand how powerful he is.

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