Saturday, July 30, 2011

rachel weisz snake

images propose Rachel Weisz with rachel weisz snake. more.
  • more.

  • apnair2002
    12-19 02:57 PM
    Paid 25$ now..this time.. Had contributed 4 times .. 2 times by paypal and once by cheque..

    Transaction ID: 4578635022559441X

    wallpaper more. rachel weisz snake. Back in 2005 Rachel Weisz won
  • Back in 2005 Rachel Weisz won

  • starlite
    07-21 02:08 PM
    Hope this helps.

    Thanks for your response.
    Actually I still have the original I-94 from which my tourist visa was issued.
    So to answer your question, no, they didn't collect it from me.
    I wonder why you ask that question.
    Please share any insights.

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  • gushed over Rachel Weisz#39;s

  • qasleuth
    12-09 02:41 PM
    wtf are u talking abt? water boarding? windsurfing? osmosis? archery? shacking..:D.

    wtf are u talking abt? water boarding? windsurfing? osmosis? archery? shacking..:D.

    I guess you are trying to be funny here, I get that but please make atleast half an attempt to understand the issues before making a snide remark.

    Osmosis == the tendency of a fluid, usually water, to pass through a semipermeable membrane into a solution where the solvent concentration is higher, thus equalizing the concentrations of materials on either side of the membrane.

    Socio-Economic Osmosis == When you have a developed/super rich country across the borders with opportunities which do not exist in your homeland, people tend to move from one area to the other.

    I take you have not heard of "waterboarding". Google for the term and you would perhaps see what you have missed in the last 6 years.

    2011 Back in 2005 Rachel Weisz won rachel weisz snake. Rachel Weisz#39;s The Whistleblower Trailer. Worst Previews / 30th May 2010
  • Rachel Weisz#39;s The Whistleblower Trailer. Worst Previews / 30th May 2010

  • mjdup
    12-18 05:38 PM
    I understand $20 is probably two days of lunch and coffee but by contributing you will just make the IV stronger and mightier by the time congress starts...

    yup, I can feel 46 more contributions coming in next hour or so....


    rachel weisz snake. She
  • She

  • lusuresh
    07-17 07:01 PM
    Asked a few of my friends to join IV ASAP. I didnot file may labor yet but I am happy for all my brothers who can take this oppurtunity to file there I-485.

    Thanks Core

    rachel weisz snake. (Rachel Weisz)
  • (Rachel Weisz)

  • nashim
    11-20 01:38 PM
    1) Write N/A
    2) NYC sends new and old passports to USA address.


    rachel weisz snake. Rachel Weisz by Eric
  • Rachel Weisz by Eric

  • bsbawa10
    08-21 06:58 PM
    Someone gave me RED dot for my posting/interpretion of memo (as below). I don't care but some level of maturity is expected on public forums:

    If at all this 'news' is true -this may be just something so-called internal matter. Best interpretion of this 'news' is: They may have assigned available visa#s to approvable petitions just as they did before 2nd July07 bulletin, where people kept getting approvals well into Oct07.
    So, ALL THE BEST to lucky ones who are 'pre-adjudicated'. How else you can explain Sep VB, which is yet to start from 9/1.

    Just sent you pm.

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  • propose Rachel Weisz with

  • acecupid
    08-12 12:36 PM


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  • Rachel Weisz Oscars

  • HopefulNomad
    12-19 01:56 PM
    Just sent in my 20.
    Thank you so much to the person who started this thread and all the contributions. I hope this will keep going and going and going. I was definitely motivated and inspired by everyone's contributions!:)

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  • Rachel Weisz Golden Globes

  • needhelp!
    06-14 12:28 PM
    The July fiasco has led many of our members to get their EADs and has lulled them into false security. If your goal is just EAD, please continue with what you are doing but if your goal is to get green card or citizenship - NOW has to be your wake up call.

    StarSun: Thanks for all your work for IV!


    rachel weisz snake. Rachel Weisz. She acts well.
  • Rachel Weisz. She acts well.

  • greatguy
    12-19 11:36 AM
    billpay initiated for 20 bucks. Will reach the PO Box address in 5 business days.

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  • Rachel Weisz Hates Botox But

  • Madhuri
    03-06 03:41 PM
    I am in for $25


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  • Evanora (Rachel Weisz?

  • mjdup
    12-18 05:38 PM
    I understand $20 is probably two days of lunch and coffee but by contributing you will just make the IV stronger and mightier by the time congress starts...

    yup, I can feel 46 more contributions coming in next hour or so....

    tattoo (Rachel Weisz) rachel weisz snake. Rachel Weisz
  • Rachel Weisz

  • kpchal2
    08-12 12:45 AM
    please refer the dates before posting such useless information. very ashamed to see some donors do this kind of mistake. unnecessarily misguiding the people. for a moment i lost hope. if this time, the uscis (after all the preadjudication numbers and all) makes this kind of stupid mistake then the USCIS should be ashamed of its existence and DHS should shove its head in some uselss thing.

    Here is what ron gotcher has to say and zI think it makes sense.

    don't have access to the raw data. I have spoken with personnel in the Visa Office and they have been unwilling to give out precise numbers. Rather, they have used phrases like "limited numbers" and "handful of numbers" to describe the situation.

    I believe these assessments to be accurate. I base this belief on the certain knowledge that the CIS has more than enough pending China and India and India E2 cases to use up the remaining quota without having to advance cutoff dates at all.

    If the CIS were processing enough cases to close out the quota, there would be absolutely need for the Visa Office to advance cutoff dates. Advancing cutoff dates if the CIS were processing enough cases to use up the quota would only result in more cases being filed than could be accommodated. There would be no point in doing this and, in fact, it would be contrary to established procedure. The only possible reason for advancing cutoff dates under present circumstances would be to allow consular posts to adjudicate more cases from their inventories.

    Does this mean that the CIS is not going to approve any China or India E2 cases? Of course they will? They are a big agency and they are always adjudicating some cases. There is a difference, however, between adjudicating some cases and adjudicating a large number of cases. If they were adjudicating more than a few cases, or even likely to adjudicate more than a few cases, the VO would not have advanced cutoff dates. Doing so would have been positively harmful. The fact that VO did advance priority dates is the best evidence that the CIS is not processing enough cases to exhaust the quota.

    The best evidence of this will be the establishment of the cutoff dates for the October Visa Bulletin. If the cutoff dates remain where they are, then that will be evidence that there are plenty of E2 numbers available for China and India. On the other hand, if cutoff dates for China and India E2 retrogress significantly in October, that will substantiate the position that there were only a few numbers (relatively speaking) available. If the cutoff dates retrogress, as the folks at the VO assure me they will, then that is conclusive evidence of the accuracy of this conclusion.


    pictures Rachel Weisz by Eric rachel weisz snake. Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig
  • Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig

  • Naveen
    03-09 12:17 PM
    Contributed $100
    Transaction ID: 3D2783142U014852P

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  • Rachel Weisz is reportedly

  • gireep
    07-17 08:35 PM
    Thanks IV Team for your great effort.


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  • Rachel Weisz and Naomi

  • StarSun
    06-14 10:45 AM
    To all IV non participating members (DC event),

    The phenomenal experience of actually doing something positive to solve our problems is priceless. Every member that came to DC from all across America were dedicated and focused - many volunteered to help the IV Core (and in spite of doing many things ahead of time, there was much more things that needed attention!!).

    On Monday and Tuesday, while I manned the phones, it was heartwarming to get calls from members who were in the Hill, calling and asking for more meetings - If they finished their meetings and had time before the next meeting, they called in to say - "is there a group we can join - so that we can be in a larger group?" or while they walked in the hallways, they would spot their congressman/congresswoman's office - and call in to ask if they could go in and just introduce themselves and ask for an audience. Mind you, this is not an easy task nor did they get to talk to staffers - but I am just acknowledging the great enthusiasm that was vibrating with our members - they realized the gravity of the situation, the opportunity that was within their grasp and wanted to make the best use of it. Hats off to you guys!!

    IV realizes that our strength lies within our members and their dedication - both in terms of participation and funding. And if there is one thing that almost every single participant took home from the event is that - we still have a long way to go and we need far more support and participation.

    Please contact me and I will put you in touch with the leaders from your state. I cannot stress enough on how important being involved in this process is............ The July fiasco has led many of our members to get their EADs and has lulled them into false security. If your goal is just EAD, please continue with what you are doing but if your goal is to get green card or citizenship - NOW has to be your wake up call.

    girlfriend Rachel Weisz rachel weisz snake. #9 - RACHEL WEISZ - so much
  • #9 - RACHEL WEISZ - so much

  • diptam
    09-07 10:45 PM
    "75% people have undergrad degree" - How many straight drinks i need to take to Digest this statistics ?? Did you re-engineered this stat:D

    "Undergrad Degree" in S/T/Engg/Math - Could you tell me % and then i'll explain why you need to turn on to Macaca's....

    Say Hi to your friend Lou Dobbs/Ron Hira and tell him that craps dont work everywhere.

    Isn�t it odd that the timing of your rally coincides with the introduction of the Strive act? % of Granted you scored a point when you were allowed to file for employment authorization this July. If your one rally worked, do you really think other rallies will work too? The world of politics is driven by numbers; you do not have enough numbers to get any lawmaker interested. So wake up Macacas, admit it, you all are bunch of losers.

    So far as the skills are concerned, you have been harping on the theme that you are highly skilled? If the definition of highly skilled is a mere undergrad degrees then 75% of Adult Americans are highly skilled. I bet not even 5% of you have PHDs and you call yourself highly skilled. Huhhh

    And this for the leadership of your organization: You are wasting your time. If you are so desperate to get green cards contact me. We will see what we can do� One thing I believe though is this country needs people with leadership skills and not so called "Highly Skilled". So I will be more than happy to work with you. I am sure you have my e-mail address. At the least, I can help make the process faster for you, if so called visa numbers are available.

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  • Freedom, Rachel Weisz as

  • shukla77
    12-19 03:37 PM
    I remember the suggestion from Pappu to call Senator's and HR's instead of writing or faxing. Clearly the last campaign had pretty strong support from IV members. Can we do the same thing and call ATLEAST 2 friends by end of week and convince them to contribute? I pledge to convince at least 10 friends by end of this week. .

    12-03 12:03 PM
    The gaming console money didn't come in yet

    We are at $ 3050.00 now

    07-09 08:48 PM
    280,000 PERM for 2007

    Latest Statistics of PERM Labor Certification

    Recently, DOL has published the new statistics about PERM labor certification program.

    Cumulative Production Statistics From March 28, 2005 to June 1, 2007
    During this period, the total amount of application received is 204,280, 183,411 of these were filed by PERM on-line submission and the rest 20,869 applications were filed by mail-in submission. Enhancements to the PERM on-line system are improving the quality of applications received.

    Can somebody pls remove that stupid red dots that I have received ?

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