Thursday, June 16, 2011

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  • What does the entrance look

  • raj1998
    04-19 08:47 AM
    My M.C.A was 3 years. this will help?


    I think you have gathered quite some info. Best suggestion is to talk to a lawyer and let him have a look at your case... I think you have a chance

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  • chetanjumani
    03-13 10:59 PM
    There was a topic where googler had explained that as per DHS employee, unused Eb2 Worldwide goes to Over subscribed Eb2, so Eb2 India and Eb2 China.

    It appears that the policy was always this, but since there were no excess Eb1 in the last couple of years, there was no spillovers in the last 2 years, howeever this year there are higher number of unused EB1.

    In fact the way it appears is :

    EB4 unused ==> spills over to ==> EB1
    EB5 unused ==> spills over to ==> EB1
    EB1 unused ==> spills over to ==> EB2 world wide.
    EB2 Worldwide unused ==> spills over to EB retrogressed.

    So before any spill over to EB3, visas are given to EB2 category.

    Since the unused EB2 visas are given to retrogressed countries, I believe that more visas are used by country that has more retrogression. But if there is any future movement in EB2, than both India and China could experience it.

    From forums, it appears that one of the important driving force behind the visa usage is the actual adjudication of cases from USCIS. Since generally USCIS does not really process enough cases to use all visa's(to ensure they are not wasted), every year there will be a need to have substantial movement in the cut off date to generate more demands for visa's, not just in AOS, but also CP.

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  • I demo-ed Google Maps

  • ilikekilo
    05-26 05:01 PM
    Salient features of Bill: S.1085

    After analyzing this bill, I found the following:

    1. This bill will recapture all those unused employment based visas (gcs) from 1997 till 2008 and it will add those recaptured visas to this year's employment based quota.

    2. After the passage of this bill, any unused visas will rollover to the next year. So, no more wastage of visas as we go forward.

    3. Per country limit will be increased from 7% to 10%, so more folks from over subscribed countries would be able to come under the normal yearly quota.

    4. We will be able to avail the benefits of the recapture after 60 days of the passage of the bill. That means, if they are able to recapture 220,000 (approx) employment based visas, the employment based category will be able to use all those after 60 days of the passage of this bill. USCIS is pre-adjudicating all I485s pending and if this bill gets passed in say for eg by October 30, almost all (80%) in this community (who filed 485) would be able get their GCs in Jan and Feb of 2010.

    What makes this bill much more interesting is:

    1. This is not a bill targetting the issues of Employment based category - So there won't be a huge backlash against this in the name of the economy and recession. The provisions for the employment category are just one item in this bill.

    2. Family based immigration reform has a wider range of support from all kinds of groups unlike Employment based immigration reform. Just search for this bill "Reuniting Families Act" in google news and you can identify all those organizations supporting this bill (they all have a news release).

    Complete Text of this Bill:

    per this senators site it is 400K approx....

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  • days_go_by
    01-31 01:30 PM
    Those who are celebrating .. consider this.. your employer decides for any reason to not continue filing I-140 or decides to let you go in 6th yr.. earlier you used to have at least possibility of sub labor.. now you are basically straight out of luck.. Also if microsoft needed some genius from China or India to join their team and the guy obviously deserves special consideration due to business need and/or his talent.. they are stuck..! It's not good.. yes desi folks were selling and buying these but remedy is worse than the defect.. they could have made changes to rules to make it stringent and almost impossible to get but no reason to place such arbitraty deadlines etc.. if H1B and GC is geared towards desi consulting.. it's should not and will not exist in the long run..
    Indentured servitude and middle-men agent type business model is not ideal for anyone including US economy..

    that was the idea behind it, but when a feature is being misused and exploited that needs to be plugged. If microsoft needed a genius they can bring that person in on EB1 or H1B or B1 visa. there are many other avenues.
    How do u feel that a person who arrives in US yesterday, buys a labor, gets his GC within a year while thousands of us are waiting patiently.
    It is an unfair practice and should have been stopped long time back.
    It's never too late though.
    Selling labors became the business model of manyof these companies.
    Are they doing anything illegal? NO.
    Are they doing something ethical? NO
    So, the law has to change to give everyone a fair chance.


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  • m306m
    12-13 03:44 PM
    I have contributed $200 to the Omnibus fund drive and intend to contribute a lot more in the coming months. However, I would not have been a member of IV if this were a paid site.

    I prefer that the contributions are voluntary and I am an example of someone who joined IV as a member and then CHOOSE to contribute to the cause. If IV had asked me to become a member by paying $200, I certainly would not have joined.

    I vote to keep the site free and allow free flow of information. By making this a paid site we hurt the cause that IV is fighting for and we hurt potential members who would contribute.

    I want to ask members who have contributed $500 - $1000, if this site asked that much for you to join would you have joined? If so would you continue to contribute after paying this much money? After paying money to a pay site there is a sense of entitlement that people feel. They feel that they have already paid their due and they will not contribute additional funds thinking that they have already paid once when choosing to be a member.

    I urge the administrators and core member to please keep this site voluntary and free.

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  • kc_p21
    12-06 11:14 PM
    I used points provided by altergo to send my story.

    Thanks altergo.


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  • maheshmail
    07-30 04:26 PM
    Many sites. What kind of alerts are you looking for? Vols? Greeks? You can also customize most of the alerts depending on spreads you might be trading. This is possible even in simple option accounts with Level 4 approval.

    I have level 3 (spread) approval from TD. I am looking to get trade signals like Zacks for Options.

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  • gcgreen
    08-13 07:39 PM
    your title is misleading. where is the "plight" that you refer to?
    Also, EB2 applies to jobs that require a Masters degree as well, not just PhD.

    An MS can be completed in as little as 9 months (YES, 9 months, if you apply for MS in a school that follows quarter system and complete coursework but no thesis) for majors like Electrical and Computer Engineering. So what is the plight for folks who completed MS in say 9 months to 2 yrs, and how is it different from the plight of EB3 folks?

    Yes, that is right, I said �plight of EB2-India�.

    I am a passive observer of these forums. But some of the ridiculous notions floating around here have motivated me to vent. First and foremost, the law as written is highly favorable to people in EB3 categories, even from India. Here is how...

    Take my example (and there are thousands like myself)....came to the US 8 years ago, spent 5 years working day and night to earn a PhD on a low (barely sustainable) stipend, got FIRST job saw decent money for the first time 6 years after I came.

    Now, compare this to a person working an EB3-job for the last 8 years. Not only does this person do a real job that hopefully provides a respectable income but this person also has the option of moving to EB2 after 5 years of experience. So, at the end of the day in 2008; this person comes out ahead of me in terms of money, in terms of priority date (if ported) and most likely in terms of GC.

    There are complaints all over the forum which have the stink of pretentiousness such as �oh..i am a poor EB3 waiting for n number of years� etc etc. What you guys seem to forget is that YOU are NOT an EB3, it is your JOB that is EB3. You have all the opportunities that were/are available to a person who sweated it out in the university system here to gain more qualifications and get an EB2 job. You CHOSE not to. The general discussion seems to center around cribbing about the US immigration system (Immigration by the way is a privilege defined by laws, not a birthright) and then blaming the EB2 crowd when they finally see the system implement the law as intended in the first place (horizontal spillover rules).

    All these posts that refer to �my career is over because my gc is delayed� are nothing but a pathetic excuse. Law of supply and demand....if you have a skillset that is valuable, you will be fine with or without GC anywhere in the world. It takes a bunch of documents to remain here legally, all you need is a passport to go back if the system here seems so bad.

    For all the attacks that are bound to happen, here is the fodder.....this is probably my first and last post, I haven�t contributed a dime to IV, will work here as long as I like it and if not, India is a great country and provides enough opportunities for any skillset !!


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  • for the Google Street View

  • sc3
    09-23 11:52 PM
    I actually had to go and visit the URL to really make myself believe that someone can be this dumb. Well to each his own.

    One thing I did notice was the comment "it is soon becoming the voice of rich and/or EB2 Indians only -- all other categories will either have no direct advantage with the efforts put in by IV, or they will actually see some negative effect from its activities. But that will be the case with any organization that claims to stand for a particular class. In reality, every core group will stand up for it and only itself."

    Does someone care to explain this? I am EB3-ROW, I have occasionally donated and occasionally called but I don't think IV has ever HURT my case?

    On a side note: just on the off chance that the comment is true and IV is truly a community of RICH Indians: can I borrow some money? :D :D The eay I look at it, if 50 of these rich, EB2 Indians give me $ 10,000 each, I can get my GC by investment and I will pay you all back in 2 years. :p

    Have fun guys/gals: life will turn out as it is meant to turn out.

    I made the post there. Since you are making some funny comments along with clarification, not sure if you are really looking for the information. But here goes

    1) Removal of per-country quota: Claimed to be fair for everyone. Not really. It only helps Indians and Chinese. ROW will see a serious degradation in the time they will get their GCs. I am sure there will be lots of bashing based on this, but the fact of the matter is that such action is not suitable for non I/C applicants.

    2) The Rich guy comment is based on the latest (supposedly supported by the CORE no less) action which is to ask for legislative changes if you have money to throw in to buy a house with 20% down.

    So yes, I do stand by my statement that IV is devolving into less than general purpose immigration group.

    I am EB3-India, yet I dont support the removal of per country limits, as there is a reason for the diversity rule, Indians and Chinese are currently on the wrong side of the equation so it seems "fair" to remove the quota.

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  • mirage
    08-12 03:01 PM
    Guys we will not need to take the poll if all of us send these letters..

    To, 08/05/2008

    Charles Oppenheim / Visa Section
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520


    Your Name/Your Address/EB-3 India Applicant
    Priority Date: May 2003
    Some City,

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Sub: Statistics on Employment Based AOS(Adjustment of Status) applications pending at USCIS under various categories

    I am writing to you to express my sense of helplessness over the unpredictability of Visa Number allotment to various employment based category. I want to bring to your attention that it�s been nearly a �Decade� since we saw any meaningful Visa Date movement from year 2001 for EB-3 Green Card applicants from India.

    It is important to know that despite of severe visa retrogression and random visa cutoff date movements, USICIS or DOS hasn�t released any official information on how many Adjustment of Status applications are pending at USCIS under various categories which leaves thousands of AOS(Adjustment of Status) applicants in complete darkness and dependent on guessing games by various Law firms.

    A green card application requires enormous amount of efforts and money from the beneficiary and his/her employer. People who are waiting for 7-8 years now would have had already spent average $15,000-$20,000, in maintaining their statuses and keep the Green Card process going on. Being stuck in a green card process keeps us bonded with 1 employer, job type etc.
    We need to know if there is any light at the end of the tunnel. We need to know for how long we have to live our life in limbo. If there is hope than we need to be patient and plan to live like that for another 1-2 years. But if there�s no light at the end of the tunnel than we need to move on with our careers and other family commitments. Only your office and USCIS can help us by releasing statistics on the number and categories of applications pending with USCIS people waiting in this category can plan their lives accordingly.

    It will be a great help if DOS or USCIS could tell us about the number of AOS application pending at USCIS along with their Categories(EB-3, EB-2, EB-1) and chargeable country.
    We have been waiting for a decade and continue to wait would it be reasonable to request you for some guidance with regards to the Visa allotment. I request your office to provide some statistics on home many Adjustment of Status applications are pending at USCIS.

    We understand that you work with in the limits of the law as set by the Congress and are limited by various constraints that are beyond your agency realm of work. We appreciate your hard work and sincerely thank you for all the hard work.

    God Bless America!

    Thank you for you attention,

    (Your Name OR EB-3 India Applicant )
    Priority Date: April 02
    Category: EB-3
    Member ImmigrationVoice.Org

    Copy Sent to

    Honorable Secretary of State
    Dr. Condoleezza Rice
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520

    Honorable Director, USCIS
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
    20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20529

    Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
    Department of Homeland Security
    Attention: Case Problems
    Mail Stop 1225
    Washington, D.C. 20528-1225

    Senator John Cornyn
    Chairman - United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on
    Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
    517 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
    Washington, DC 20510
    Main: 202-224-2934
    Fax: 202-228-2856

    Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
    Chairwoman - United States House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship,
    Refugees, Border Security, and International Law
    102 Cannon HOB
    Washington, D.C. 20515
    Telephone (202) 225-3072


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  • dbcd
    05-24 01:51 AM
    I agree with you. That is how the system works...


    if you all use little more IQ, you will realize that only with donation/money you will make a difference.
    We all are here to make someone rich(employers, local businesses). So if you can make polititians rich, they will do something for you!
    So stop calling... start donating to IV...

    Let me know if my thought is wrong!

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  • from Google Street View.

  • msp1976
    02-06 04:02 PM
    How long will it probably take for China EB2 to move to August 2005? It's now in April 2005. Any idea?
    Until EB3 ROW becomes current....


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  • va_labor2002
    07-21 09:24 AM
    gimmi green - Don't you see green around you. Let me tell you how to get green

    1) Use your credit history to purchase additional home in Florida. House purchase in 150000 will be 250000 in year. The market was like that a year back. It takes 8 months to get a house. There is a big line.

    2) Open your own e-business. File E visa. 1/4 million should be easy money if you have stayed here for 10 years.

    3) House listing in only done by realtor. Give option to customer. For fun open a site for people to list their house for sale. Give them free service then charge. Live American way.

    4) Make school in Village. I have made one. I enjoy supporting the school. Grow India.

    5) Don't worry about GC. Do something. Registering a site takes some $35 or 40. Built you site. Use American brain.

    Am I doing it? Yes.. Did I make money? Yes.


    I agree with your suggestions. You have excellent ideas. Can you please explain little more about #2 Open your own e-business and File E visa. What type of e-business? How to file E-VISA ? Have you filed yet ?

    I appreciate your comments.


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  • smsthss
    09-17 11:27 AM
    anything on c-span???


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  • DSLStart
    03-30 09:58 PM
    unitednations, you making this statement makes me scared. :eek:
    Shouldn't they release some memo or something before making a drastic change like this???

    Don't know if this is a new procedure that they are following the main law where a valied 140 is needed the whole time.

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  • Your car probably does too.

  • indyanguy
    11-16 12:04 PM
    Hi Ramba,

    Thanks for your response.

    I have few other questions based on your response please. I am considering BOTH the options and will act accordingly with the BETTER option.

    (1) EAD -To have the remaining of H1 as back up: If I use EAD and move to the new employer and also send AC21 documents to USCIS. My current employer will cancel H1 and revoke approved I-140. Also looking at the current scenario if USCIS denies 485 within a couple of months how do I get back to H1-B ASAP while I file MTR?

    (2) H1 - Maintain H1 and use AC21 with H1 transfer(I will have around 9-10 months of H1 remaining at this point of time): And if current employer cancels H1 and revokes I-140 and that triggers 485 denial, I will still have some H1 period remaining and this should aid me in CONTINUING the new JOB while I file MTR?


    1) You need to file a Change of status to H1
    2) Please see one of the links posted by me earlier (a link to Ron Gother's site) which says that if you get a H1 extension based on AOS and AOS is denied, you are NOT allowed to work on H1.


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  • legal_alien_007
    07-24 08:17 PM
    dear mr. "audience",

    one more "highly skilled" immigrant thinks she/he is "audience".... "audience"!!!! nice

    life is going waste in gc backlog but .... "audience", oh and someone forgot to ask, while you are watching this movie titled 'my life is being wasted in gc backlog'.... would you like to get some popcorn and coke with it..... why? because that's what "audience" do..... they enjoy the game and movie when someone else is doing something..... but the "audience" sit on the sidelines and watch

    you seem to very much enjoy this movie 'my life is being wasted in gc backlog'? with your kind of star cast it has got to be a grammy winner... thank you mr. "audience" for the wonderful performance.... time for you to speak out your garmmy winner speech, and don't forget to thank all the people on that list.... aila aila aila aila aila aila, and btw, and whom are we forgetting, did you miss out aila

    I 'm not sure if you are trying to be funny or sarcastic, but you fail miserably at both.

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  • apnair2002
    04-18 01:14 AM
    Once again Thankyou very much for the core team for doing the great work.
    I paid two contribution through American express card and one by cheque.How much is American express commission rates.?

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  • skumar9
    08-26 11:01 AM
    Yes, ICICI is not a good bank, if you pay attention on the things they do you will surely realize this fact. They cheat a lot on all Loans and all kinds of deposits and transfers. I hate this bank. SBI is the best for evrything.

    04-28 04:26 PM
    Its a law and if one follows it, there is nothing wrong in it.

    As Chandu has mentioned, lets not interpret it the way we want. Its a law, and it gives us the option to have some kind of liberty. If you have not done anything wrong, and have followed the law, eventually everything will fall in place. Although during this journey we will have to face some tough challenges but in the end we will win it.

    So, lets all get together in getting ourselves heard.

    07-26 07:36 AM
    my 2 cents!!

    if you are single and apply for 485 and get a EAD can still being ur wife from India on H4 as long as u DO NOT use EAD and DO NOT get 485 approved.

    EAD to me has major benefits for the spouse. I think everyone agrees that 485 retrogression gona happen ... so if that happens u cannot get a 485 approval or add ur wife till almost close to 485 approval .. as ur PD wont be current. In this period u will never be able to use EAD as ur dependent will go out of H4 status ...

    Also it is never recommended to use EAD and maintain H1 status ... so to me if you are single and have no plans as of yet to get married u will not use the interim benefits and pay EAD fee every year.

    u will be in the 485 queue and if anything changes about green card u are atleast far enough to not to start ur application from beginning... also if for some reason u decide to use ur EAD the way around is ur wife to get another Visa like F1 ....

    hope this helps.

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