Thursday, June 16, 2011

gibson les paul studio deluxe

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  • Gibson Guitar Board: Les Paul

  • danu2007
    07-15 12:22 AM
    Has this petition reviewed by the CORE team...

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  • misanthrope
    10-02 11:33 PM
    Again, I would like to reiterate that I DO NOT consider an EB-3 candidate inferior just because he/she belongs to a catergory with a lower priority.
    But, if you agreed to file in that category then you probably made a compromise and it is not wrong. Everyone is a victim of circumstances at one point or the other in their lives.

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  • apt29
    09-25 05:07 PM
    those who are defending IV has more green dots coz, they are the ones who do all the volunteer work and involve actively.

    get it! now can u rest for a while not ur case :-)

    Got it. Point taken. btw good joke about case.

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  • aviko21
    09-29 12:46 PM
    Please consult a good lawyer rather than worry yourself crazy. The thing is that you don;t know what the problem is yet! So you can;t find a solution till you know more!

    Please do post what your lawyer finds out


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    04-28 07:27 AM
    Nice compilation.

    With my very best wishes to those of you waiting for your GC, this thread is created for the lucky among us who received it recently. I am


    Okay, this is all I can think of for now. More when I come up with something new.

    Stuck(no more)InTheMuck

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  • chanduv23
    02-13 03:37 PM
    logiclife - i saw your video and figured out that you seem very stressed and disappointed about all these things. Criticisms are common especially when you work for a noble cause. Chill out man. You have enough support from a lot of people. What IV has achieved
    (1) Bringing awareness to a lot of people - this is a big achievement
    (2) Helping anonymous people who come with issues, most of the advises and opinions here do not have any selfish motives and every advise comes with a lot of experience
    (3) Raising awareness in media
    (4) It is single most strongest organization representing highly skkilled immigrants
    (5) Exposing selfish employers and lawyers and educating immigrants so that they don't get exploited
    (6) Being realistic about anything and everything
    (7) Making sincere lobbying efforts
    (8) Educating lawmakers
    (9) Not breaking any rules and doing everything in a good manner.

    What IV can focus
    (1) Diplomacy - Lets study our opponents and businessmen and lawmakers so that we know where we stand and how to do things.
    (2) Controlled membership access - People must fill out a membership form

    The above said, I think when someone challenges and criticises, we can also take them in right spirit and not pounce on the person. Criticisms lead to a better system implementation and has its own advantages.

    Good luck


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  • arrarrgee
    07-19 09:00 AM
    I hope you are not kidding...i feel so guilty now...i posted this to the CORE on another thread..

    "guys..Could you pls let us know why we have 100 as the minimum amount for contribution...i also noticed that the recurring contribution is 50 instead of the usual 20. Guys dont get me wrong. I wanted to call up my friends and ask them to contribute for IV...but i guess we should let them decide the minimum amount...or atleast have 50 and 20 as the minimum and recurring contrubutions respectively...I myself wanted to sigh up for the recurring contribution...but 50 every month hits me on my face..
    Even economics says so..haven't you heard of the Laffer Curve?"

    No. It's not a typo. I had met Aman in a conference in December. He was talking about selling his house to contribute to IV (I really hope he didn't have to). But he has contributed a small fortune to this effort.

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  • fasterthanlight�
    06-17 01:01 AM
    Very nice oli-g, my vote is with you........


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  • meghanap2000
    10-30 05:06 PM
    You want to know the "experiences" of people on how to take a photocopy ? I believe you got your GC in EB-2 category, so you should be skilled enough to know this.

    gootle.....either give answer or shut your both.....

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  • kumar1
    11-01 11:42 PM
    Please put a 3rd option saying "HELL NO!"


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  • pv_gc
    04-07 03:27 PM
    I just paid $100 through paypal

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  • Googler
    07-11 06:42 PM
    Did you guys alert Lofgren's office about this?

    (408) 271-8700


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  • Page 5 - My Les Paul Forums

  • lost_in_migration
    09-17 12:13 PM
    I think the voting is not on HR6020 but an amendment to it.

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  • NKR
    01-31 01:01 PM
    I think a few hours is left to vote. so pls do now.


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  • pcs
    04-22 07:40 PM
    Your involvement is more important... you can generate a lot of contribution by spreading the good word & encouraging people to contribute..

    I have not contributed much as comapred to top guys but I have generated atleast $600 through my efforts to rope in new guys & requested them to put in some money. Some did but some did not

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  • smartboy75
    09-29 07:01 PM
    Man..whats up with you guys ...why are you hijacking my thread.....earlier someone else you???

    I am trying to deal with a serious issue here and all u do i start a topic that's not relevant at all....

    Start your own god damn thread....


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  • pappu
    10-17 10:05 AM
    SA 3275. Mr. LEVIN submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 3093, making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, and Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes; as follows:

    At the appropriate place, insert the following:


    (a) In General.--Not later than 60 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall submit a report to the congressional committees listed in subsection (b) that contains, with respect to the most recently completed fiscal year--

    (1) a statistical analysis of the number of background checks processed and pending, including check requests in process at the time of the report and check requests that have been received but are not yet in process;

    (2) the average time taken to complete each type of background check;

    (3) a description of the efforts and progress made by the Director in addressing any delays in completing such background checks; and

    (4) a description of the progress that has been made in automating files used in the name check process, including investigative files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    (b) Recipients.--The congressional committees listed in this subsection are--

    (1) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate;

    (2) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate;

    (3) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; and

    (4) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representati

    This does not go far enough to solve the problem. A lot more work is needed to get an immediate fix to the problem.

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  • cagedcactus
    11-14 01:26 PM
    WD, I am with you on this.
    Heck, if no one will do it, I will send that letter with different names multiple times.....
    Dobbs is not only unfair, he is the ultimate hypocrite. Nothing but an opportunistic Fagg*t.
    And if WWJ cares to contact me back and ask me to justify my statement, I am ready to do it.
    I am not going to sit on my comfy behind and wait for lunatics like Dobbs to decide what my future will be....
    If I go down, I am going to go down swinging.....
    I am even going to call the radio and ask the same thing you have put in that letter if they ignore my emails.

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  • Rajeev
    01-31 01:03 PM
    The questions have moved to 5 and 16 now, under most popular.

    05-14 11:35 AM
    bringing bk the discussion to more serious point. We can all agree that on the surface immigration system here is seems unfair towards Indian, Chinese and Mexicans. Whats the reason behind it? why only three countries which suffers from long waits. Its demand and supply. If there were no country caps, all the visa's will be absorbed by these three countries. Even though it has cost me time and money, i think its the right policy. for a moment imagine there was no country limit, can you imagine for few years to come immigration will be from only these three countries. i think its only fair to limit how many people can come from one specific country.
    and one more point, we are never going to get treated with respect and equality, just get used to it. every American knows we left our country to come to his. he is always gonna look down upon us. Immigrants are never treated with love, respect and dignity, no matter which country they go to. Case in point, Bangladeshi and Nepali migrant workers in India. We treat them like dirt back home, so discrimination against immigrants is part of immigration process. hopefully our ABCD offspring's will face less of it :)

    Big Ups for voicing your opinion. nitinboston for president!!

    12-03 10:14 AM
    Paid membership irrespective of the amount of payment will drive away the people. With all dues respect to IV, there are defintely other places where you can get good(if not better) information for free.
    Strength of online communities is always the members...the higher the members the better.

    Having said that, I kind of disagree with the punishing the wrong answers with a $5.00...most of the answers in these forums are people experiences and they are not legal professionals. People will not be able to share the experiences openly/freely. I think, it's the responsibility of the questioner to pick the right answer and donate for the value that he/she deems the question is worth.

    My thoughts...anyways..

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