Friday, June 17, 2011

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  • fundo14
    07-16 01:26 PM
    I plan to send this petition to all senior executives of Time Warner Inc by Priority Mail and Fax. CNN is a fully owned subsidiary of Time Warner Inc.


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    main person Zoe Lofgren is seated

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  • akv123
    07-14 11:29 PM
    I plan to send this petition to all senior executives of Time Warner Inc by Priority Mail and Fax. CNN is a fully owned subsidiary of Time Warner Inc.


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  • GCneeded
    06-07 02:09 PM
    Immigration is a privilege when we enter the country. But when we have been here for such a long time, paid our taxes and respected the administration and bureaucracy, it�s our right. As for the job loss, no job is certain for anyone. But at least a GC holder can look for alternate jobs. He is not tied to his labor cert/employer. When employees post for job, they might say �need a citizen or gc holder�. But never say we only need a H1-B holder. So when we have respected and followed the rules of this country immigration becomes a right as logic life suggested.

    My 2 cents�


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  • sam_hoosier
    03-08 05:16 PM
    desis will never change

    The non-paying members comprise of desis as well as non-desis :) Lets not point fingers at anyone group.

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  • eeezzz
    03-13 04:13 PM
    No, EB3 ROW can use all the available EB3 ROW numbers. But the unused EB2 (ROW/Mex/Phil) have been distributed to the oversubscribed countries.

    That's how I interpret that.

    The popular belief was that the unused EB2 ROW would first go EB3 ROW but according to this they actually go to the oversubscribed countries in the same category (EB2)
    If EB2 quota stays at EB-2 and EB-1 quota goes to EB-2 if unused. That really benefits EB-2 India/China and will hurt all the EB-3 filer. I can see many EB-3 filer, no matter they are China/India/RoW may want to interfile and upgrade to EB-2. I wonder if USCIS do this in purpose to make extra revenue? If there are 30% of EB-3 filer try to file EB-2 again, USCIS can really make some bucks out. :eek:


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  • bkarnik
    09-17 11:30 AM on to 6020

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  • qplearn
    11-16 11:54 AM
    Yes amitjoey. thanks a lot for that help. I wish more people participated in it. infact if more members can continue to do it today it will be very helpful. yesterday there were at least 3 mails from reporters expressing interest in us. This was because a few people wrote to them about IV and requested them to do a followup article abut us. I had found about 72 articles yesterday morning and we had more than 50 potential reporters to contact.It is not easy to get press coverage and this is one opportunity where we can captitalize on the venture captitalist story (no pun intentended).
    Can we know names of these reporters who wanted to know about us? Also, is there any update on what QGA is doing on getting the word out about IV to the lawmakers? In her response to me, Clinton did not appear to indicate any knowledge of the severity of the problem that legal immigrants are facing due to retrogression.


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  • sukant71
    02-12 09:15 PM
    We should send at least 100 emails via to Mr. Obama's team on Legal Immigration.

    Please urge new administration to support three bills by Joe Lofgren: HR 5882, HR 5921 & HR 6039 . This will be very helpful.

    1. log on to, create your profile (use a legal email addresss)

    2. go to

    input "legal immigration" and hit search questions and vote for all legal immigration questions

    3. You can also post your own question

    Why to change gov
    Why not to force to declare clarance date e.g. by today Since Dec2001 not a single file is pending.

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  • niklshah
    01-30 07:54 PM

    people are voting really good..i wish same response would have came for sending letter to washington and IV....


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  • jnraajan
    03-13 05:10 PM
    jnrajaan: Thank you for your critical feedback, it is useful.
    Just a quick clarification. The time line extension for Admin fix letter campaigned was requested by various state chapter volunteers including myself, abhijit and others. The reason was the traction they were gaining after volunteering on the ground for few weeks. The idea was to leverage that instead of just ending the admin fix letter campaign on a fixed date.

    I agree with the reasons behind it, now that I know it.

    Just so, everyone understand, I am not trying to find fault with IV or its members. I am trying to do, what you can call, soul searching.

    We have around 25000 members. Why only 25000, when we know there are millions out there in the same boat. What is stopping them from joining IV and contributing? Of all these 25000 or so members, we only have around 4000 letters sent for Admin fixes.(May be I am wrong about this number, but I believe it is around that range.) What is preventing the others from doing so?

    I strongly believe, that the answers to these questions might help IV in the long run, with more members and possibly more active members. Once we get to that point, IV will no longer be an organization, but it will be a MOVEMENT. Chances of success for a movement is always better than that of an organization. That is what I believe we should try to achieve. I hope everyone agress with that.


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  • ndialani
    10-30 07:41 PM
    Thanks Caliguy for all your help.
    I was able to talk to IO in TSC. Very nice IO (male). He really took time to look into my case.
    First he said my case is preadj. , Than he mentioned my I-140 is under EB3 as per computer records.
    I told him, i have the copy of my approved I-140 and it is under EB 2 category. he put me on hold for like 4-5 minutes. Came back and said he has passed on the info to IO looking into my case . He asked me for Reciept,alien # ets. on my I-140 BUT God Darn it, i didint have the document with me at that time. He said, i could call, ad give it to IO . I was so MAD!!!
    After 30 minutes of searching, i found my approved I140 from 2006.
    I called POJ method Less than 2 minutes i spoke to IO ....they dont disclose the name.
    I explained my situation again and gave him all the info .He even asked my contact phone no.
    i gave it to him.
    I dont know , what to do next. Do you think they really pass in the info to IO reviewing the case?
    Should i call on Monday.
    Man! this weekend will be a GRIND!
    I wish , i had the I140 handy.
    So all of you there,
    Learn from my mistake...please have all the documents with never know, what they will ask for.
    Thanks again Caliguy!!!!


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  • Sreeshankar
    05-01 04:12 PM
    Today I have seen soft lud on my 485 application, My pd is dec06 eb2-India, I have called uscis IO she updated my address and she told me that they are waiting for visa number once visa number is available they are working on my case, I asked her why I got soft LUD, she replied that IO opened my file and find out that country VISA number is not available. Because they touch my file I got soft LUd.


    Please could you people kindly post which service center is it - TSC or NSC ?
    Thank you very much.

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  • Vexir
    06-01 12:24 PM
    :lol: Got me beat mwc... I wish I could get that as a real skin :P


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  • santb1975
    03-13 08:49 PM
    Do you belong to a state chapter?
    if you don't can you please join a state chapter?
    If a state chapter does not exist in your area can you form one?
    Can you recruit new members to be part of state chapters?
    Can you motivate newbies to be active?
    Can you meet your Local Lawmakers and talk about your issues?
    Can you make a contribution to IV?
    Can you motivate other IV'ans to contribute?

    Please put ome thoughts on the above and come up with Ideas?. If you need help please PM any of us and we will be happy to help you.

    Sure. Like I stated before, I have been educating people about IV here for quite some time now. Let me know what needs to be done. If you all can share your experiences, I can work on it.

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  • WeShallOvercome
    11-06 04:00 PM
    I see only one problem in this logic! Many cases I know of, at least from the 2007 H1B fiasco, paid for the H1Bs through consulting companies FROM THEIR POCKETS. So to answer your question as to why companies would spend $5000 in anticipation, is that they don't. They take it from the applicant. (again I am not saying all do, but there are abusive companies that do).

    No cap on visa numbers will never fly... No political environment will be conducive to bringing in unlimited foreign workers without any restrictions. L1 has no caps because it is very difficult to qualify for an L1 visa, as far as I know. If caps in H1 are removed, you can bet there will be severe restrictions imposed on other aspects of the program.

    That's right. I personally know people who have been asked to pay INR 250K (About $6K) to get their H1B done. So the companies have nothing to lose. They just want to have an upper hand with readily available supply of H1B workers if and when an American client is looking for a consultant.
    They do this without spending a penny from their pocket and sometimes even make profit just by sponsoring H1Bs for people in India.

    As a result, genuine visa seekers are denied a chance to get in and start working right away.


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  • CreatedToday
    04-19 03:48 PM
    but please do let us know once you talk to a lawyer and get it evaluated.


    Looks like this Sheila is in her new avatar, from 3 year degree people trying to make $$$ in others troubles! She threatened to sue IVians for exposing her tricks when she tried to advt her service in her posts, as friendly posts.

    USCIS does not buy her evaluation anymore. Go to her and lose your valuable time and few thousand dollars in addition to your I-140.

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  • jchan
    04-27 05:53 PM
    I read through the bill but don't quite understand...if I am working for a client on H1B, will I need to stop working as soon as this bill takes effect? or it only applies to newly applied H1B's (or extension/transfer)?

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  • indian111
    10-08 10:46 AM
    You are right in the sense of returns but I am also looking at investing ,not 50 lakhs but small amts. The rturns may not be good but the main reason I think people invest is because of the surity that the land price appreciates more than 50% and be sure your principal is safe compared to stocks or other.

    Just my 2 cents .Let me know if somene think otherwise

    If an aparment costs 70 lakhs and that is renting for 15 thousand, how does it make sense to invest in it? The return on 70 lakhs at 12%(or 10%) is 7 lakhs/year. That is approx. 60 thousand per month. If you buy an apartment and rent it, it gives you 15 thousand. Don't you see the problem? The return on investment is low, very low. The fact that it is renting only for 15 thousand tells us that it is not affordable for most of the average guys in the city. The theory that there are more demand to snap up 70 lakh, 1 crore apartments is simply not true.

    06-07 04:46 PM
    Nah i think a redesign of the case would be a mod. which is why i guess the linuxpod and the game boy one's aren't allowed......

    01-17 12:01 PM
    What if they start screening EAD or GC guys and decide applications on the fact that at one point of time one has not maintained this rule and start denying.
    I dont think one would get any lead time to figure this out. if they(USCIS) decide to do so, Example is where the H1's were turned back at newark airport(Did they get any lead time. i dont think so)
    So the better thing is to understand first what the exact implications of this memo are and act now peace fully. atleast call ,send emails or some thing similar .

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