Saturday, July 30, 2011

rosie huntington whiteley transformers 3

images Rosie Huntington-Whiteley rosie huntington whiteley transformers 3. Huntington Whiteley has no
  • Huntington Whiteley has no

  • chandler_vt
    04-30 08:24 AM
    If less than 20,000 MS H1B applications were received on April 2, what will be the rules of the lottery? Will all those whose applications were received on April 2 be guaranteed a H1? In this case,will lottery apply for April 3 and April 4?

    If an application is received on April 2 and there are enough h1s available then clearly that application wont be subjected to a lottery. Lottery is only applicable to applications received on the same day when there are not enough h1s available.

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  • map_boiler
    04-20 09:42 AM
    ...just send me an alternate email id if you don't get it.


    rosie huntington whiteley transformers 3. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • Administrator2
    09-18 01:02 AM
    Dude, what do you want to bet if we are not the same?. STOP accusing with out any proof. This is the last time i am saying this.


    Kindly send us your phone number. If you don't mind, we would like to have an opportunity to speak with you.

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  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley To

  • new_horizon
    06-14 12:45 PM
    I was one of the guys from MI that redds777 hosted. I must say I can't thank enough for the hospitality he and his family had shown us.

    Also I know a couple of other DC members who hosted outside folks. Thanks to them also.

    Thank you Sanju for donating for this event .

    Actually funds that are raised for an event should happen much before any such event because we need to lay the ground work for the event in DC . I dont know when our next event would be. IV core can comment on that after watching the legislative events in DC in next few months .

    What i was conveying was, to donate to the pool of resources and be ready when the bills start moving in the congress . IV would need to hit the road again at that time to continue the momentum from the lobby event and have our provisions included in the base bill. Regarding the dollar number, i dont know how much would be needed.

    On the day of the events you can get involved by actually hosting some members in your homes if u live in DC area . actually i hosted 3 guys from MI thsi time . that way it makes easier for the members on their pockets as they would have spent on air tickets etc.. there are many ways to be actively invloved in IV for our cause. you can motivate your collegues and friends do teh same for our cause. Rest assured that IV will use the money sensibly as i have seen in this event.



    rosie huntington whiteley transformers 3. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • madhuvj
    09-18 11:55 AM
    I have given my phone number several times, even you can have it ( 412 915 9526 ) but the admin is not willing to call me. I believe GCStatus has sent his phone number too. I have been a member here since July 2007, based on the GCStatus credentials, he has created his ID just a month or so. Why would I all of a sudden fake my ID when I have such a good reputation in this site. You can visit all my posts.

    I hope you got convinced. If yes, please talk to our super Admin.


    Quote :
    Senior Member Join Date: May 2006
    Posts: 535


    Are you guys anonymous? Why is the admin asking for your phone number? Didn't you fill in your actual name, phone number to reach you in case IV needs your help.

    You have to be willing to help if you want to lead.

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  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in

  • uma001
    08-12 05:59 PM
    Thanks man. My decision was mainly based on the waiting period. Within 4-5 years I can get ultimate post based on my experiance at india but here I have to be in same role.
    Also I am trying to start my own IT training firm there so with gods on my side in 4-5 years that company can grow to a mid size firm.

    Gaurav,may I know how many years of exp do you have?


    rosie huntington whiteley transformers 3. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • reedandbamboo
    09-14 11:43 AM
    Here is a comprehensive listing of the contact information for the persons/organizations of import:

    1) Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
    ATTN: Recommendations
    United States Department of Homeland Security
    Mail Stop 1225
    Washington, D.C. 20528-1225

    2) USCIS Acting Director Jonathan Scharfen (NO MAILING ADDRESS AVAILABLE, possibly we just use the generic service centers mailing address, PLEASE SEE (4) below)

    3) USCIS Acting Deputy Director, Michael Aytes (NO MAILING ADDRESS AVAILABLE, use mailing address in (4) below)

    For (2) and (3) above:
    USCIS Ph: 1-800-375-5283
    E-mail: (apparently this email is only for the USCIS website feedback)

    4) USCIS Service Centers (NSC, TSC, etc) Customer Feedback:
    Assistant Chief
    Internal Security and Investigative Operations
    USCIS, 111 Massachusetts Ave, NW
    Suite 7000
    Washington, DC 20529

    5) Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
    Chair - Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security and International Law

    District Office
    635 North 1st Street, Suite B
    San Jose, CA 95112
    Telephone (408) 271-8700

    If you send Congresswoman Lofgren an email, you have to be a constituent of the California 16th Congressional District to receive a response. You can send her an email through a link on her website (see URL above).

    6) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

    District Office - 450 Golden Gate Ave. - 14th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94102 - (415) 556-4862

    7) President Bush
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500
    Fax: 202-456-2461

    2010 Rosie Huntington-Whiteley rosie huntington whiteley transformers 3. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • ujjwal_p
    12-04 03:25 AM
    Hi all:

    Thanks for all your advice and understanding. I could not post earlier as we were busy following up the case with the authorities. I have two lawyers on board and a wonderful, unexpected, child abuse NGO person helping us deal with the situation. Most importantly, the baby is in perfect condition after having everything scanned and reviewed with two pediatricians�.it is possible, as one person helping us mentioned that the rough handling may appear exaggerated on the video bcos low resolution cameras sometimes exaggerate slower movements into sudden and forceful movements (I don�t fully understand)- which is also ok w/ me as my child having been safe is more imp to the minimum she will be deported and barred from entry, or likely fully convicted and behind bars...from what I have heard till now, we will likely not be penalized as there are some protection and immunities in these cases for those who testify (and most certainly INS will never be involved)�and at most there may be some fines�
    ....and to some others who have misread a few things I mentioned: a/ the baby did not remain with the nanny for even a second after we suspected something fishy b/ we were not saving money with this nanny: 350$ (plus food, commute, and phone cards is above average here even for a legal worker. Also we selected her after observing her (and earlier another nanny) at home for 2 weeks with the baby while my mom-in-law was there and all of us had felt for some reason that she was the better one��..and to everybody with kids: no matter how much you trust your nanny, however well referenced they are- use a nannycam�.you may amazed at what you see�.there is something about having the whole house to yourself with an infant that makes some people crazy- so that their suppressed anger/envy and whatever else is hidden comes out on a poor speechless baby.

    Nice job man. I can understand this can be tricky given the immigration hoops that we have to jump through. But as the father of a toddler myself, I must tell you that you did absolutely the right thing. Its not fair, not to you and your wife, your kid nor to other little kids, for that person to have been freely roaming around. The people who inflict that kind of physical abuse on a little baby need to be taken care of without regard to other factors.


    rosie huntington whiteley transformers 3. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • bsbawa10
    09-14 11:19 AM
    Please stop taking out the frustrations on IV. It is very easy to do. All you need to do is write a post. But doing some real action is the challenge.

    We are all like you and in this together. We try to create action items and guide and try to lobby within our limited time, energy and means. Everything else is dependent on members. If members contribute funds we lobby hard. If members are not even willing to contribute $5, and we can only get less than 5K in more than 2 months, how can we accuse core? If members write letters to administration or USCIS, call lawmakers, meet lawmakers etc that directly helps everyone. Members need to involve their big employers and have them contact administration and local lawmakers. We all need to contact media and raise awareness. We all need to create publicity of this effort so that more people can join it and make it successful. We will help you all the way in this effort. Come and travel to DC with all your state chapter members and meet officials. Try taking part in conference calls, answer emails and calls from all kinds of members and non-members, media outreach and mundane official work of IV yourself during office hours and you will see how difficult it is to manage this for IV team.Take days off from your work spend your own money on travel and hotel and visit offices and talk to lawmakers in DC. We will help you with the meetings. IV core has been doing that and we get such brickbats through such posts.

    Just accusing IV, writing posts about ideas or action, and asking IV to wake up will not solve anything. This is a community effort and each IV member is responsible for the failure or success. IV leaders already devote lot of time from their professional and personal life on this effort. Individual members need to step up if they want more and take it upon themselves to get active.

    I am sorry to say this Pappu, but honestly I do feel one thing. There are some things that IV can do without spending money(which I think are not being done). For example, it can lead everybody everybody to send letters to USCIS and congressmen and the press for justice highlighting abrupt actions of USCIS. I made so many pamphlets in the thread "Lets get Organized" which can be sent alongwith to make an impact. It is not about eb2 or eb3, it is about accountability and transparency from USCIS. It does not involve any money from anybody excepting a 41 cents stamp on the letter which I think most of people should be ready to spend. However, the push from IV seems to be missing.

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  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • samnay
    12-20 03:21 PM
    Sent an online payment of $25.


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  • transformers 3 Rosie

  • logiclife
    04-05 02:50 PM
    This years master's quota is probably filled. They received 200,000 files for 65,000 regular plus 20,000 masters quota available.

    So I would not be surprised it its already over.

    The reason is that last year, the 20,000 master quota was over in nearly 3-4 months and many students on F1 and OPT missed the train last year. This year, those students are also in queue and in addition, the new students graduating this summer are also trying to get in.

    The situation will get worse each year as previous year's students try to catch up the following year.

    I would suggest you make arrangements to keep your status alive between May and Oct in 2008. Or find a job that is exempt from H1 quota. All the jobs that are in Universities, non-profit organization etc are not subject to quota. That is one way to do it. The other way to do it is to apply for Ph.D (I know, its not a joke to do that) and get an admission in there to continue your F1.

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  • Rosie Huntington Whiteley

  • dallasdude
    04-14 12:59 PM
    My friend, Who said its not a problem? in my earlier post I have provided a big laundry list of Line cutting measures in place are these not problems? BUT the point is , is it worth it a fight ? Subs is long gone, We are fighting for Country quota from a year + atleast and we are still at square one and the problems keep worsens. We all worry about subs where there is no action. There is no fixing to this right now its a dead horse. Problem is VISA Numbers in XYZ,000's. Lets recapture them...

    Why do you think it is unethical, I was stuck in Labor My comp gave me one option use either subs or dont ask us... In fact I even dont have exact copies of my subs thats hidden from me. So for me is that Unethical? For me a person who qualifies for EB2 and applies now is a line cutter due to the fact that EB2 Q is better than EB3 and they are getting green card faster. Law allows them to do that. is it not jealous to me ? The list grows...

    You are an exception of course. But there are so many unethical and undeserving folks that abused this rule and have made things miserable for many of us.


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  • santb1975
    11-20 11:53 PM
    The house looks really cleen :D

    housekeeping - i mean BUMP

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  • Rosie Huntington Whiteley

  • pcs
    04-05 09:30 PM
    Please spread the word about the issues & in student community to help fight our cause



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  • Fox in Transformers 3.

  • krishnam70
    07-03 02:25 PM

    dresses Rosie Huntington Whiteley rosie huntington whiteley transformers 3. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • srikondoji
    12-19 07:41 AM
    I think we should start a campaign where members will contribute $25 for every 2 months (recurring) untill another 6 months.

    So, immigrationvoice would be adding funds to the tune of 175K every 2 months and also $25 every 2 months is not a big deal for most of us.

    This way we are guranteed atleast some portions of our funds. Even if $25 is a lot of money, $10 can also be acceptible if they are paying a recurring payment. To sustain this campaign and maintain our presence in this space we need funds.

    Let us know, who are ready to sign up for this campaign?
    Campaign is $25 every 2 months (one payment of $25 for 2 months).

    1) I am signing up for this campaign.
    Best regards

    Thank you very much for starting this campaign. After this was started, the drought for the past few days has ended and 4 members have contributed today till now. Thank you very much for starting this. We will be able to use all our resources in the coming months to get something done if we have sufficient funds that meet our target of 60K by December end. If all members get active, there is no doubt that we will succeed very soon.


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  • Rosie Huntington Whiteley

  • nandakumar
    03-09 01:52 PM
    I plan to donate via check to avoid paypal commision.

    Is there any special instructions for donation thru check?

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  • walking_dude
    11-21 02:40 PM
    Use ----

    So, how did you do it BharatPremi? You just paypal to

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  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • venkat80
    08-22 12:14 AM
    On March 12, 2002, the House passed such an extension. Section
    245(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act was first enacted as a temporary
    provision in 1994 and has been extended several times since then. It enables
    unauthorized aliens in the United States who are eligible for immigrant visas based on
    family relationships or job skills to become legal permanent residents (LPRs) without
    leaving the country, provided they pay an additional fee. Before an alien can apply
    to adjust to LPR status, the alien must have an approved immigrant visa petition and
    must have a visa number immediately available to him or her. Currently, to be eligible
    to adjust status under �245(i), an unauthorized alien must be the beneficiary of an
    immigrant petition or labor certification application filed by April 30, 2001. An
    unauthorized alien whose petition or application was not filed by April 30, 2001 must
    go overseas to obtain a visa.

    Originally Posted by amsgc
    - What was the subject?
    It was some thing like 245- xxxxx India/China- Was it about about EB or FB?

    07-10 01:30 PM
    I doubt if such a lawsuit will have legal merit- something that only attorneys can answer.

    05-14 01:54 PM
    I received an RFE too,but within 2 weeks of submission of my appln.I have already submitted the reuqested RFE.DO you know whats next?Is RFE a normal procedure?Is there any kind of risks,if you get an RFE?Please let me know.
    I guess 13 days after the receipt of notice is a bit too long.I guess you should contact the INS ,incase your RFE notice has been lost or something.

    Am quiet certain that an application will get approved even though there is a request for evidence provided you go through a good lawyer with the accurate documentation as requested by USCIS...
    Is there any way to track an RFE online?? if yes could you provide me the link..Thanks.

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