Saturday, July 30, 2011

north korean women

images Photograph 2: A North Korean north korean women. Germany v North Korea
  • Germany v North Korea

  • hpandey
    11-13 09:54 AM
    We are proud of you for doing the right thing. Best of luck and God Bless.

    wallpaper Germany v North Korea north korean women. North Korean defector
  • North Korean defector

  • paskal
    12-20 11:22 AM
    not 700
    this campaign is stuck at 103 currently

    we recognise that not everyone can donate $100 right away
    if everyone does what they can $20 onwards...
    that would still make >300K!!!

    north korean women. Someone posted a North Korean
  • Someone posted a North Korean

  • invincibleasian
    02-04 10:38 PM
    No use fighting. Only the law makers can resolve this issue and they will not listen to us and pursue their own political interests.

    2011 North Korean defector north korean women. A South Korean woman passes by
  • A South Korean woman passes by

  • desi3933
    07-20 05:06 PM
    If out of status or not? Since I worked 90 days after my last entry.

    Thanks again

    You should be ok as you are covered under 245(k), make sure you put correct dates of employments on forms.

    Not a legal advice.


    north korean women. north korean women.
  • north korean women.

  • addsf345
    05-11 01:43 PM
    You can call this also as jealous. There are too many people from the other countries will have to wait because not having people to mass migrate to US. Arguments can be made in way. So be sympathetic. Your issue may not an issue for me. Do not call it as jealous

    What they are saying not jealous. According INA priority date in case substitution is the day I-140 is applied. Somehow the original labor date was assigned as priority date . This might be an error but is causing problems and Inconvenience and injustice to some innocent people. You can call it as jealousy. That is alright but they have an issue which they need to fight. However small number may be it can benefit these guys.
    If you do not support them that is OK. The moment you start using the word jealous, anti-immigrant etc. it stops the discussion.

    I also looked around for subLC, could not get one and had the same state of mind. I was not willing to take risk for it, like leaving my current job etc. so I know first hand the exact state of mind.

    regarding ur post: the point u r missing is the lcSUB was legal till middle of july 2007. It is not any more. At this point, it is like crying over something which is stopped 2 years back.

    if you think from a balanced mind, that "visa recapture" and "end of discrimiation based on country of birth" can end woos to all of us.

    As far as your argument for under representated countries, yes they do have visa lotterry and for your kind knowledge, india is not listed for this.

    Lastly, would appreciate if you can update your profile and make some educated arguments.

    north korean women. North Korean women face hard
  • North Korean women face hard

  • santb1975
    12-02 12:52 PM
    Thankyou. I will post the total everyday

    go9459: Thanks a lot, you raised the bar.

    santb1975: Try to post a running total end of every day. I was thinking to donate $50 for every $2500 raised through this thread. Last donation must have touched first $2500, here you go with my 2nd $50 thru paypal. check my PM for limits and details.


    north korean women. North Korean defector Hwang
  • North Korean defector Hwang

  • pappu
    03-09 11:18 AM
    Would appreciate it if we are told what information are we asking for? I have seen many questions in different messages. It would be great if we can get a consolidated list of questions/information we will be asking.


    That is a good question. We will need to draft a detailed reply to USCIS when we submit the payment. In that reply maybe we should also draw some kind of table of data we are requesting. Some people can work on this. Do keep in touch with Nixstor , Needhelp! and anilsal for guidance and direction.

    2010 Someone posted a North Korean north korean women. Photograph 2: A North Korean
  • Photograph 2: A North Korean

  • we_can
    12-19 02:51 PM
    $25. Kudos to this fund raising effort.

    Even though $100 was not a minimum, I think that there was a psychological barrier of having it as the first visible option on the contribution page that was deterring a lot of users (including yours truly).

    I encourage everyone on this forum to come forward and do this.


    north korean women. North Korean women work at the
  • North Korean women work at the

  • paskal
    11-20 02:53 AM
    I never claimed any amount for this holiday gift on this thread yet but what if I want to donate $31 or per say $ 81 one time, I do not have that option now and so I will end up not donating now and wait and donate when I feel comfortable with $ 100/- or its multiplications. That is called turning away and if you guys do not see any danger into it I do not have any further words.

    Fund raising is an art and I believe our current startegy is lacking that art. If you guys see the base of any major successful fund raising (Grass root level not Political ones, mind well we claim ourselves grass root level organization)you will always find donors with $ 1 to donors with $1 million donatiing as per their will. Grass root level fund raisings can not afford constraints which normally goes successful in political and/or industrial fund raisings.

    Some of the strong supporters of current policy, in their argument, automatically assume that willing donor always used to spend $ 100/- frequently for drinks or food and may be living lavish life style. But they are partly wrong in their assumption...I myself never eat outside frequently. Even on a travel trip I cook my food by myself and I normally do not drink sodas or alcohol so what abhijitp has given a example at least does not remain valid for me but I can not say that it is completely out of proportion, as it has some valid logic but it can not be true for everyone.

    Point is if we make a wrong based fund raising policy, we may hurt ourselves only. I know my option, if I want to donate odd figure now, I will not be able to donate it now, and I will have to wait till I feel comfortable donating $ 100/- and/or single digit multiplications of $ 100/- but would that be considered a good and wise option?

    For an example, I am emotionally charged today and I want to donate $ 61/-(As I may plan that much only..for whatever reasons) but I am not able to donate so I will not donate and say after 4 months I will be able to plan $ 100/- but what if at that time I may not be emotionally charged to donate all together? So end effect would be I will end up donating nothing ( This is just an example..:))

    And for the sake of argument if you enrolled yourself $50/- recurring, you did it willingly and so would you change to $ 25/- recurring if $ 25/-option is available to you? (Note: I think most people on this board fear that with having a minimum amount option, most people will turn to that only but that may not be 100% true. and even if it may become true it will end up having more donation flow) For most people answer is no, I believe, They will stick to $ 50/- recurring option as they can afford and they did it willingly. But with current policy we are completely turning away the people who may otherwise donate, for an example $ 20/- monthly-recurring policy may turn 40 new commited donors in whereas $50/- recurring option is creating only 10 donors and thus we may be ending up $ 300/- confirmed donation loss per month. This is just an example and based on assumption that less amount would attract more commited donors.

    Having said all this, if majority memebrs and core still feel that this will be the only future standard for accepting donations then as I mentioned above, I will have only one option left and that is to wait till I become comfortable for donating $ 100/- ( I will remain emotionally charged...:))

    when we had options to donate $20, a large number of members came out with the same argument for reducing it to $10!
    meanwhile the check option usually allows flexibility and is temporarily down for some circumstances beyond immediate control. it will be back though.

    hair A South Korean woman passes by north korean women. Germany v North Korea
  • Germany v North Korea

  • viva
    02-03 10:44 PM
    According to a specialist on immigration forums "Mr UnitedNations" the unused visas are directly being used for EB3 ROW , I am not how he knows that but maybe thats what is happening.

    Maybe EB3 ROW being a diverse group is being given more precendence than highly subscribed countries.

    Your posts are getting very irritating with this blind belief in this "Unitednations" fellow. Why do you believe in him so much? What has he done?


    north korean women. North Korean Woman Biking
  • North Korean Woman Biking

  • angelfire76
    02-27 01:37 PM
    Didn't you read what was said by realizeit in his intital post?

    �A journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step.�

    All I said was not to mix all the issues into one and sell it. We all know what happened with CIR.

    You are mixing stuff here. The question he/she is asking is why should the small step be your step, considering that 2 yr validity or 5 yr validity does not make too much of a difference (except maybe to CIS income and your wallet) . If the focus is going to be on 485 let it be inclusive of everything relevant to that stage.

    hot north korean women. north korean women. North Korean women work a
  • North Korean women work a

  • amsgc
    08-22 02:33 PM
    That was a good one. I must confess I listen to his show too every now and then to remind myself why i don't like him and his followers ( who, I am sure have a heart of gold, but are truly and utterly misguided)

    Coolmanasip you are a great immigrant. ;)


    house and unite Korea! north korean women. The North Korean woman in this
  • The North Korean woman in this

  • bigboy007
    05-11 11:06 AM
    I am in the same boat as you are ... There is injustice everywhere? As explained, I feel unjustice becoz EB3 can port to EB2 , I feel unjustice becoz L1,L2 get it quickly .. list continues. FYI... I came well before most of you guys in queue. PPL who came after me got Labor very quickly and are ahead of me.. So is that not Injustice to me? Shouldnt USCIS be notified and Shouldnt IV followup on adminFix ? when ppl jump or port dates from EB3 to EB2 dates will no go beyond ( just with 3k numbers) shouldnt IV followup and do adminfix so that some set of ppl will stop discussing this issue ? We can keep discussing things that will never happen.

    When USCIS stopped Labor SUBS it filed in federal register and many processes. As per Law it allowed to port dates as it does now between Eb3 to Eb2. how can they go back hich is non existing and change the dates just becoz some ppl feel injustice? look at practicality?

    As i said just google it and you wil know whether USCIS alredy know about it. again why 2007 is that becoz you call could apply then? When USCIS did admin fix did it change the validity of existing EAD's or said will apply for new ones only?

    Those who came between 2000 and 2005 are not getting GC approved , because of some loop holes , those who came in 2007 are getting 485 approved. Is it not unjustince to people who applied earlier? This issue is not similar from EB3 to EB2 etc.
    I hope IV will bring this to the notice of USCIS ASAP.

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  • north korean women soldiers.

  • cableching
    08-21 06:41 PM
    Also, you mentioned in one of your earlier posts- That you have received 3 EAD cards for 2 people!!!:D

    Originally Posted by cableching
    Today I rceived someone else's EAD. We received three EADs, one each for me and my wife and another adressed to me with EAD inside being some one else's.
    Weired ways of USCIS!!!!

    I shall call USCIS and notify them of this.

    I did notify them. First I called USCIS and told them about this, they opened an SR and after sometiem I received some bullshit response for the SR.

    Then I took an Infopass appointment to return the EAD (Someone else's). Then this IO was at the counter, she was stunned to see omeone else's EAD and the response for the SR I had opened. I asked her, if they had sent a new EAD to the other person, she said no and thanked me for taking the pains to take an appointment to return it back. That day also, I aksed her about our Namecheck status.

    I was happy to see her at the counter today, as she was very nice and help the last time and was hopeful that she might help me with the namecheck status with an Infopass appointment.


    pictures North Korean defector Hwang north korean women. house North Korean women at a
  • house North Korean women at a

  • wellwishergc
    12-19 03:25 PM
    I forwarded the link of this campaign to 4 of my colleagues.

    dresses North Korean women work a north korean women. of North Korean women
  • of North Korean women

  • sent
    12-19 02:28 PM
    I did contribute $100 few minutes ago...


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  • and unite Korea!

  • pdakwala
    12-19 04:04 PM
    It's christmas time. How about a gift to yourself. Contribute to an organization who is working for you.

    Doesn't matter whether it is $10 or $50 or $100. Please be generous and contribute.

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  • hot north korean women.

  • gc_check
    04-14 08:11 AM
    Even if you assume there are 3000-5000 labor subs that chocks up the queue, it might have benefited the ones with a 2003 PD like yourself. But for others (beyond 2003) , it is not much of a help. A visa recapture would benefit the community at large.

    Even if you consider 3000-5000 labor subs, not many of those are "sold" labors, many of them are legal ones. labor subs were all legal until some companies started selling those.

    Hi.. I'm not discussing whether labor subs is legal or not. Prior to July 2007, the law & regulations allowed to utilize the labor cert, that was certified for a Alien with a diff Alien, provided skill, edu... etc matches. Though it is legal, the amount of mis-use led to sunset of the program after many many years of existence.

    My argument is that Labor Sub, does impact PD movement significantly, Also most people I know with PD prior to 2002 , except very few unlucky ones most got their GC. Also in July 07 rush, many who had already filed 485 with PD 2003 and early 2004 also got approved.
    I know there were lots of approvals from Backlog Elimination center, but unless you work for a very good company, I doubt you will still be stuck with the employer from 2000 just for the sake of GC. When the dates were current, many moved to other companies, If you were here in US during late 2000 and 2001, that was not nice year for IT / Tech. Now where did all these old PD's pop from. Definitely sub has a big role to play. As I said in my earlier post, nothing can be done abt. this.

    Visa recapture and visa increase seems to be the only option that might help.... and most member now know what it takes to get there... $$$$ and more $$$$$ to lobby, etc...

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  • North Korean singer Jeon

  • maco
    08-09 09:28 PM
    On the same note I have a question for the Gurus.

    My name is reversed ( first name and last name interchanged) on my SSN and hence on my credit cards, employment letters etc though my name is correct on my passport , H1 , I-797 and on files AOS.. etc.

    Will this pose a problem in the name check process?

    My attorney said I should change my name with SSN after EAD/AP arrives.

    Let me know ur opinions.


    you should have changed them at very first instance
    better you be in attorneys foot steps

    08-21 06:11 PM
    You said that you are from the Midwest, but your profile says that you send your application to Texas. How is that possible, All midwest I-485 applications must have gone to Nebraska Service Center.

    "I am in Midwest and not all the USCIS/ASC offices treat as bad, as these guys may not have that many applicants coming to the office, like int Northeast or California."

    I really don't understand why people think I am lying????
    When I read the memo, I was more worried about my name check and whether she would check the status of it than about this, as anyhow my dates are not current. After showing the memo, she did offer to check the status.

    With all the experience our guys have with USCIS officers and staff, it's hard to belive an IO would be that helpful? But, she's and even the staff at this office is not as bad as others have experienced.

    I was even telling my wife about the behaviour and how staff at other offices behave.

    04-13 01:56 PM
    Sad, but true, the substitution labor are utilizing the visa numbers a lot.. Not sure if any thing can be done @ this time.... There were lots of new people filed I-140/I-485 utilizing substitution labor in July / Aug 07 as the LC substitution was sunset after wards... Though it is legal :confused: they could have made the PD, they day I-140 was filed, since they allow to retain original PD, now people who really waited are forced to wait even longer.... Now that the program is sunset and also many people already jumped the line, do not see any advantage in complaining about it and expect no administrative reaction to this as labor sub no longer exist... Only solution to retro... is unused visa recapture / increase visa number / exclude dependent / etc... none of these can happen without intervention from congress.... which required very intense lobbying... which in turn requires $$$$ ... and more participation and contribution from the members seems to be the only option that could help all... If you don't help yourself.. no one would !!!

    Do you or anyone who thinks that backlogs are due to labor substitution have any proof to claim so ?

    Even if there were some, they definitely won't be in large numbers. First of all to use a sub labor, one labor had to become available. Do you think there were so many labors floating around to grab one ? I don't think so.

    How come EB3 ROW went "U" if all the backlog was due to labor subs ?

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