Saturday, July 2, 2011

Polaris 2011 Assault

images Polaris-MY12_800-Switchback- Polaris 2011 Assault. 2011 Polaris Sportsman 800 EFI
  • 2011 Polaris Sportsman 800 EFI

  • deecha
    07-20 07:05 PM
    this is my first post...
    I've seen most of you guys are indians, I admire you for being so organized and brave, and also for getting skilled enough to be sucessfull anywhere.
    I'm not in the IT business, I'm not indian, I don't have special skills nor advanced dregrees. I'm just a regular guy who has worked all his life to achieve what he got. Since my degree is a 3 years old, I did not qualify foe EB2 even being in a managerial position for over 10 years.
    I was waiting for the opportunity to file my family's I485 and then my company was bought and I was laid off on jun 14th.
    I've been 6 years in this country, I have 2 american born kids, I've paid a lot of taxes, I have a house mortgage, a car loan...
    Now I'm out of status and worst of all, everything on the GC process is lost.

    I don't think it's fair, I've never done anything illegal, but I'm not ready to leave the country. I need to sell my property, don't know what to do with the car, my wife is on her MBA thesis, I just can't leave.

    I'm telling all this not because I want you to feel sorry, but to create awareness that it's NOT on your hands being legal or illegal. You're in others hands: your employer, USCIS, the adjudicator officer.

    So don't judge others just because you have been lucky enough to maintain your status...

    Good luck to you all in your I-485s

    VZLAN, Ah! I can't return to my country since I am Venezuelan, and I don't plan to raise my kids under communism.

    I am really sorry about your situation. While, it is true that there is a lot under USCIS' adjudicator's control, we need to give it our best try and exhaust our options before we give up. I think that being Indian, IT and skilled (I am all 3 !) does not have that much of a bearing on one's life situations and connection to green card being approved. Case in point : I went through a rough time myself (see beginning of the thread) and even paid the price (divorce, heartbroken) for taking a chance. However, everyones situation is unique.

    If you can post details of your case, then someone from here is sure to be able to give you some guidance. One last piece of advice, there is no substitute for a damn good lawyer who can get you the results. It might not come cheap though. There are instances of people having accrued unlawful stays beyond 1 year and lawyers having gotten them their EB based green cards later through CP using tricks such as waivers etc.

    Where there's a will, there's a way.

    wallpaper 2011 Polaris Sportsman 800 EFI Polaris 2011 Assault. both RMK Pro and Assault
  • both RMK Pro and Assault

  • zoooom
    07-17 07:23 PM
    Thanks a lot to all members for being with us in this struggle. We have tasted our first big success this year. Credit goes to each and every IV member. We were all affected by the visa bulletin fiasco and this is our victory. This is a victory for all our members and we must rejoice.

    IV had worked very hard and had been pushing for this in the background. Our flower campaign, rally and other advocacy efforts all came together and helped us at a crunch time. We thank members that sent flowers and also walked in the San Jose heat for 4 hours. All that really shows our commitment to this cause.

    We are happy that our efforts are successful and IV has been able to make a difference. Please also know that during this effort, IV was extremely active and decision makers heard our voice. We cannot give out all the details but what IV members should know is that these efforts should make each one of us proud and what we can do if we have a firm resolve. We were also the first to break this news even before anyone else or media could, and continued to update our members as time passed.

    IV also thanks its contributing members and it is because of their contributions we were able to continue this effort. Many thanks to the members that are contributing now after this good news.

    Please continue your support for this organization and be an integral member of this ever growing community, so that this journey can continue and we can end retrogression and have immigrationvoice as our voice.

    Team IV

    Thanks Pappu...Kudos to you and the whole team....
    Man this Pappu name is funny :)

    Polaris 2011 Assault. 2011 Polaris 800 Rush
  • 2011 Polaris 800 Rush

  • santb1975
    12-02 12:52 PM
    Thankyou. I will post the total everyday

    go9459: Thanks a lot, you raised the bar.

    santb1975: Try to post a running total end of every day. I was thinking to donate $50 for every $2500 raised through this thread. Last donation must have touched first $2500, here you go with my 2nd $50 thru paypal. check my PM for limits and details.

    2011 both RMK Pro and Assault Polaris 2011 Assault. 2011 Polaris Turbo IQ LX
  • 2011 Polaris Turbo IQ LX

  • sunny1000
    09-08 02:29 PM
    My other 15 replies to appropriate responses are forth coming but to this Macaca: This is a looser talk and thats why we should make sure folks like you donot get your work permits.

    whooooo, i am scared now....You can't even spell "loser"...loser...go ahead, make sure all you want, dumb f**king skinhead...:rolleyes:


    Polaris 2011 Assault. Polaris RMK Assault 800
  • Polaris RMK Assault 800

  • chanduv23
    09-14 08:21 PM
    There is a lot of work done in the background and by the state chapters that you may not be aware of. for example when i was a member of a state chapter a volunteer printed 5000 pamplets and we spent a weekend distributing them. One volunteer was actively involved in collecting and mailing out letters for the letter writing campaingn. there are some who visit every temple and talk about IV. These people dont post on the forums or beg for red, blue or green dots, they do the best they can. On the other hand many come to the forums with a 'grand plan' and hope someone else will doe the rest. Most are so self absorbed that they would rather spend time debating how their application is superior and how they should get GCs first. The same people end up volunteering each time while the rest demand answers and ask why bills are not passed. I can also give specific examples of people who posted that they participated in a campaign simply to get green dots. The final straw for me was the EB2 Vs EB3. Each person has his/her threshold, and i am positive that the core will feel the same way some day.

    State chapters contribute a lot in grassroots efforts. Couple of months back, a delegation from Tri State area, Texas, North Carolina, Michigan, Massuchettes and other places went to DC and met with all our politicians - Iv arranged everything for us and we planned these visits well through state chapters - our lobbyist guided us well and also accompanied us to some meetings. We were around 15 people and we personally felt we did something to help ourselves and the community.

    Some chapters do a lot of publicity campaigns. Like for the admin fix campaign, The leader from North California (Abhijeet) took special permission from the cops and distributed flyers in train stations and got hundreds of people sign the letters.

    One very dedicated member (nolaindian32) started the IV running cluib to collect donations towards lobbying

    Walking_dude along with some other IV members testified in Michigan senate when MI drivers lisence issue was going on

    On a regular basis IV members in DC area do meet with govt officials and have meetings, talk to media and involve in whatever ways possible.

    All these people who are working for IV are just ordinary folks like rajuram and do not have any special degree. They have shown commitment and have decided they will take a step forward and help.

    There are hundreds of other examples of how hard IV members work behind the scenes.

    A lot of talented people come to IV and come up with brilliant ideas for execution - all brilliant folks must put their great minds to work by doing something for IV.

    Polaris 2011 Assault. 2011 Polaris 600 Rush
  • 2011 Polaris 600 Rush

  • deecha
    07-20 11:48 AM
    anways..dont worry..i've read some place on murthy/khanna's site..once u reenter the country all your previous "out of status" become mute.

    so u should be fine..

    Hey EndlessWait, thanks for your input and assurance. Thats what my lawyer said but he also mentioned it depends on the adjudicating officer and to keep my fingers crossed.


    Polaris 2011 Assault. images/NewVehicles/2011/
  • images/NewVehicles/2011/

  • ItIsNotFunny
    03-09 09:25 AM

    I want your input on a very important issue. So far I haven't heard anything proper from IV Core. We achieved the pledge goal. This really shows everybody's passion to get the real data.

    We have couple of options:

    1. We deposit all the amount to IV's regular account. In that case quite a few guys have asked for guarantee that first $5000 out of this money will be spent specifically for this purpose.

    2. We create a new paypal account, get all the donation in that acccount and one of us get the data from USCIS and share with everyone on IV thread itself.

    Please let me know your opinion ASAP. This is very important and quick reply is necessary.

    2010 2011 Polaris 800 Rush Polaris 2011 Assault. Polaris-MY12_800-Switchback-
  • Polaris-MY12_800-Switchback-

  • ruchigup
    08-20 01:42 PM
    InfoPass. (
    select language
    Click Make your appointment button
    After inputting zip code
    I select the 4th checkbox "You need information or other services "

    I suspect you must be selecting the first checkbox that sounds like more logical choice, but I have taken appointment using the above procedure last year, it works.

    Are you folks opening a Service request before taking an Infopass appointment? When I visit the site, it says that it needs an SR number. Am I missing something?


    Polaris 2011 Assault. 2011 Polaris FS IQ Widetrak
  • 2011 Polaris FS IQ Widetrak

  • sureshp246
    05-16 09:43 PM
    I am seriously worried about the bill S.1035 which is going to intoduced in the senate. Does this bill have any impact on the Masters students up here? I will be graduating this summer.

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  • 2011 Polaris 120 Assault Snowmobiles from US 27 Motorsports and Trailers St.

  • Saralayar
    04-15 11:14 AM
    After all these posts your plan of action is to start a blog and send emails to Congress. :D

    Is that all you can think of? I suggest you educate yourself first on how laws in Congress are changed. Talk to others who were able to change laws in Congress. Then find out how they did it, money they spent, time it took and people it took.

    In this country if you want to do anything via congress you have to lobby. Tell me one bill in this country that was passed because someone created a blog and emailed congress.
    Before laughing at others why don't you update your profile with your GC filing details??


    Polaris 2011 Assault. 2011 Polaris Ranger XP
  • 2011 Polaris Ranger XP

  • Goodintentions
    04-14 04:53 PM
    Now you are telling the real reason :)

    2 yrs wait?? Its been 4 yrs and yet to file 485

    Fortunately you are one among the minorities that oppose this proposal. I am glad that IV has this proposal as part of its agenda

    Dear All,

    This thread is just an attempt to discuss a time bound GC programme for the suffering EB2 / EB3 folks (especially for EB3).

    Kindly note that this has nothing to do with things like Lottery, STEM or anythingelse. They are all irrelevant in this context. This is a simple message. Kindly, let us not digress. This is a humble request.

    Simply put --> this thread is ONLY interested in the EB2 / EB3 friends waiting forever

    Thanks for the understanding.

    GOD bless!

    Trust this clarifies...

    hot Polaris RMK Assault 800 Polaris 2011 Assault. 2011 Polaris 800 assalt
  • 2011 Polaris 800 assalt

  • hopefulgc
    09-12 11:37 AM
    Please do not forget the guywho sets the visa dates.. think he is called charles Oppenheimer or something.
    He is the one who needs to look at the past visa dates and go "USCIS.. I need stats to predict this more uniformly and fairly"

    And we need to raise stink about this since he is not doing his job properly .. or maybe he just doens't realize the ramifications of his actions

    Just created one more poster.
    One of the persons should be Director USCIS.
    One letter/poster to each service center.
    One I think should be President of US.
    Another place could be CNN, FOX news etc.
    Another one could be Congressmen
    If we have our blogs , we can post them there also.


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  • Polaris tiered their releases

  • abhijitp
    11-29 05:41 PM
    Here is something to read for you:

    IV in 5/2006:
    About 4000 members, 2800 of which had not contributed anything, and even then IV managed to pull off this amazing feat.
    This amendment was PASSED although the CIR bill failed to survive.
    In other words, if there had been a bill only to address EB GC reforms, there was a great chance YOU would be able to file for your I-485 even if your PD was not current!

    IV in 11/2007:
    1) IV has 25000+ members.
    2) The EB GC reforms proposed and passed as an amendment in mid-2006 are long overdue!
    3) IV has gathered a lot of admiration and attention after the flower campaign/ SJ Rally-> leading to the July VB reversal, and of course the DC rally!

    Even if 2500 of them pay $50 a month, IV would have a steady flow of $125000 a month for lobbying efforts.

    Just imagine what IV could accomplish in the next few months, if only people realized how important it is for them to sign up for monthly contributions!

    Think about it!

    tattoo 2011 Polaris 600 Rush Polaris 2011 Assault. 2011 Polaris 800 Switchback
  • 2011 Polaris 800 Switchback

  • waitnwatch
    04-12 03:14 PM
    hope you have received it.


    pictures images/NewVehicles/2011/ Polaris 2011 Assault. Polaris 800 Assault images
  • Polaris 800 Assault images

  • paskal
    07-10 10:45 PM
    my reply was only meant to highlight what you have been doing on this thread. i do not care who is in which EB category. and i know exactly how people with masters degrees suffer in EB3. however, for you to argue that all category preference should just disappear, is quite ridiculous and i have explained the reasons to you. that does not mean people in EB3 are not suffering or that all those in EB3 are either holding advanced degrees or 3 year bachelor degrees. that stereotyping is in your head alone. certainly not in mine. you never answered any of my questions though. what would be the effect of YOUR solutions? would people like me EVER get a GC?

    please do not unload your frustrations on all of us and derail what should be important.

    iv has one goal- to end retrogression. period. iv's founder belonged to EB3. so do several core members. you have some funny perception that iv is about EB2. so be it. ironical though, because iv is commonly accused of being an entirely EB3 india organization.

    so let me hear how the following things iv has constantly been fighting for, are somehow not helpful for EB3??

    recapture GC
    exempt families
    remove country quotas

    as for STEM exemption, if EB2 clears up, where do you think the GC numbers will go? what should we ask for? exemption for all??? not to mention that would get YOU a GC as quickly as possible and would LEAVE ME OUT. i still call and lobby for STEM exemption. i don't whine and moan on the forum about how it excludes health care professionals. if i have an issue, i work to resolve it- note the iv-physicians chapter in my signature that works to resolve specific issues. i created it and we have had success in reaching lawmakers with our problems.

    anyway, iv is clearly not about a few leaders. the tone on the forums and the discussions are dictated by its members. iv has more EB3 members than any other category. so now ask yourself, WHY does the forum seem to discuss more EB2 issues (at least to you) ??? whose fault would that be if it were true? who needs to take responsibility to highlight their issues?

    you have the option to change your job sir. if you are so frustrated, find a job that is up to your skill levels. you will not hear me on this forum complaining that EB1 should not get preference- hey i contribute as much or more. so why?

    get with it. we fight the battles we think we can win. ANY GC numbers/exemptions will move everyone ahead in the line. what part of that do you not understand?

    and now again. stop this divisive crap. we have more important issues to deal with.

    Dear Mr. pascal,
    Given that you are the super moderator, how can you even hint that EB3 vs EB2 reflect skill level of employee - don't you know by now that category is determined by "job's Requirement"?!!!!!!

    Also your stereotyping of all EB3s as 3 year Indian degree holder is the most unfortunate - I only hope that rest of the IV leadership is not made up of that crappy idea.

    For the record, I hold US Master's degree and am really offended by your comment and your view point.

    For the rest of the members reading this topic, this is exactly why being EB3 on IV is becoming more frustrating by the day... especially when the super mods posses such views...

    I am sorry forthis is wandering away from topic, but everyone including super mod mr. pascal has done that on this thread.

    :mad: :mad: :mad:

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  • 2011 Polaris 800 Switchback Assault 144 Snowmobiles from Joe#39;s Sport Center

  • deelip
    07-17 08:55 PM
    Thank you every body for all your efforts. Special thanks to Active Core members. You made us proud for the leadership you provided.

    Outstanding thing is "Gandhigiri still works".


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  • zoooom
    08-14 02:01 PM
    Application received on july 2nd (8 AM)...Still nothing yet. :(

    girlfriend 2011 Polaris 800 Switchback Polaris 2011 Assault. 2011 Polaris FS IQ Widetrak
  • 2011 Polaris FS IQ Widetrak

  • goel_ar
    04-13 03:39 PM
    Can we propose a bill which
    No offense - but it seems you are proposing like you are a congressman.. said & done..

    hairstyles 2011 Polaris Ranger XP Polaris 2011 Assault. Publish on : 2011-02-23
  • Publish on : 2011-02-23

  • pappu
    08-11 12:46 PM
    There is nothing surprising about sept VB. Retrogression is here to stay unless any bill is passed. Please take note of the action item we have posted if we wish to see a change instead of waiting for VB and hoping for change.

    08-11 10:29 AM
    WTF..... i'm so damn ticked off now.

    Eb3-I has been just hung out to dry.
    Everything else keeps progressing. Bullshit obama govt isn't doing squat for the immig reform bill too.

    I'm fine with Eb2-I progressing, but shouldn't there be something to move Eb3 too. Its crazy to think that folks in Eb3 with dates of 2002/03 are still waiting while Eb3 folks from 2005 are now current.

    08-13 09:51 PM
    Just goes to show how screwed up USCIS is......I have Zero expectations from them and should be able to control my emotions and balance of mind on anything relating to them.

    GC was a mirage and will remain one...


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